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       Monday came and went. It was super busy, first you went to school and told your friends about everything. Then after all of your classes you practiced reining with Blaze, because you had to train for the competition coming up in a few mouths. After school you went home, back to the tower, and trained with Natasha. Finally after getting your but kicked you went to your mounted shooting lesson. It was an energy draining day. You carried on like that for about two weeks. All of your responsibilities draining your energy and on top of that you also had to
make time for Loki.


        "You look tired love." Loki pointed out one day when you where running out of the tower to go to your mounted shooting lesson on time. You were getting pretty good at it and thought it would be a valuable skill for you to learn to help the team out.  You looked over at Loki relaxed on the couch with a book. You glared at him.

        "Thanks for the tip." You said dryly your lack of energy making you more short tempered. That was new to you, you usually never had a short temper, you could handle crap for a long time and never crack.

       Loki raised his hands up in surrender but a smirk played on his face. "I'm just saying you should take a brake. I'm sure you can miss today's lesson and relax a bit. You've been running yourself to the brink of exhaustion." Loki said smoothly and you could tell he was trying to use his silver tongue to persuade you into staying. That wasn't going to happen.

       "Loki," you cut him off with a bit of and edge to your voice, "I need to go. I was hired as part of the team because of my horseback riding abilities. And as of right now they're not enough. The team has been on multiple missions sense I got here and I haven't been on any of them. I need to train harder."

"Love," Loki sighed shaking his head like I didn't understand something, "you've grown leaps and bounds sense you came here, but you can't continue to push yourself like this. Please," Loki begged, or at least as close to begging as he got, "take a break."

You, being you, shook your head not willing to give up. "I don't have time for a break! I have to go to school, train with Natasha, go to mounted shooting lessons, train my horse  for the competition that's in a few months, and make time for you." You said a little stressed out almost wanting to cry from all the pressure you were under. "If I don't become useful to the team soon I'm scared they'll kick me out. I don't have powers Loki! I still don't know why they picked me to be a member of their team." You paused trying to fight back the tears, you had been bottling all your emotions up for a few weeks and now they were all spilling out. "I don't want to be kicked out," you explained your voice cracking, "if I get kicked out then I won't be able to see you."

Loki saw the heart break in your eyes and the fear in your voice. He looked at the little powerless Midgardian in front of him, heart broken at the thought of being kick out of the tower. But not for her. She didn't say she was scared of being kicked out because the pay was good and she would have to get a new job. She didn't say she was scared of getting kick out because she liked being part of the Avengers. No. She was scared of not being able to see him again. He finally realized why she was working herself to the bone, so she could become a useful member of the team and not have the
constant fear of never seeing him again.

You looked at Loki's shocked expression and figured you made your point heard. "I have to go." You told Loki gently, now silently cursing yourself for your sudden out busts. Loki nodded absently, you sighed and left to go to your lesson.


     You got up early the next morning half awake and tired to the bone, to get to school. You threw on a t-shirt and a pair of riding jeans  and headed out the door. You walked out the door and immediately hit a human shaped wall.

       'Odd that wall wasn't here last night. When did someone put this in?' You wondered confused with your half asleep mind being completely unhelpful only thinking of your bed.

       "Not today little one." The wall spoke in a smooth honey accent.

       "Not today what?" You asked the wall rubbing your eyes trying to get the sleep from your them. The wall chuckled and grabbed you by the shoulders. You looked up at the wall to realize it was Loki in your way. Loki started leading you back to your room as you protested.

       "I have to go to school." You said tiredly not persuading the god in the slightest.

      "I called you in sick today." Loki said nonchalantly.

      "What?!" You demanded turning to face Loki your heart racing fast. You couldn't miss a day! You had way to much to do.

      "Don't worry," Loki tried to calm you, "you don't have to make up any missed work. When I called and explained you were running yourself ragged trying to do everything you need to, and that you needed a break they full heartedly agreed. I also canceled all of your other arrangements for the day." Loki explained pleasantly proud of himself for taking care of you.

"But Loki..." You whined at him still trying to insist you needed to get things done today. Loki sighed, he could tell if he left you alone you would sneak out of the tower and go to school anyway.

"Stubborn little Midgardian." Loki mumbled under his breath rolling his eyes. He stopped you, using magic to change your clothes into your pajamas. He then tuned you around and led you out of your room.

"What are you doing?" You asked Loki, not whining at him but now gently confused. He wanted you to rest now he was leading you out of your room? Confusing annoying god.

"If I leave you alone you will leave." Loki said simply, you shrugged agreeing with his assessment of you. "So I will be making sure
you rest today little one."

You and Loki arrived at the living room and Loki made you sit down on the couch he usually sat on. "Rest." Loki told you sternly. He sat on the other side of the couch summoned a book and began to read. You starred at him for a little bit looking at his book wondering what he was reading, he sighed and started reading it out loud for you.

Your eyes began to get heavy and you started to fall asleep listening to the soothing sound of his voice. You didn't realize getting closer and closer to Loki. You didn't notice when you rested your head on his shoulder finally feeling relaxed for the first time sense you came to the tower. You finally fell asleep letting yourself sercome to unconsciousness.

Loki chuckled looking down at you lovingly. He moved you more comfortably in his arms, summoned a blanket and wrapped you up in it. You made a little nose at being moved and Loki hushed you. "Shush little one." Loki bid gently, lovingly. "Your safe." You snuggled up to him resting your head on his chest listening to his heart beat. Before you fell completely unconscious you felt Loki kiss the top of your head. "I won't let anyone take you away from me." And with that you fell into a much needed sleep.

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