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*Veronica POV*

"Get off me you're both so fat" I cried being squashed by my older brother Daniel and his best friend Lorenzo.

"It's muscle not fat nerd" was Daniel's smartass response.

"LORENZO" we all jumped up pretending we weren't fighting. Our parents had banned us from play fighting when we once acted out a WWE scene. Lorenzo ended up in hospital with a broken arm we all learnt that day why you are told not to act out the scenes.

"Yes Ma" Lorenzo answered his confidence dropped when a officer walked out from behind his Mom. Lorenzo looked to Daniel then me

"Danny take her" I didn't have time to react to him when Danny picked me up threw me over his shoulder carrying my away.

"Lorenzo" I called out to him. He simply nodded to the officer his wrists locked in to cuffs. I sobbed watching him walk in to the house after us. Danny slammed the door shut behind us not before I saw Lorenzo send me a weak smile. That was the last time I had seen him. Danny refused to say why Lorenzo was locked away. He refused to let me go see him on his monthly visits to the jail. I did however send him a letter every month with Danny. I would fill him in on everything that's changed since he's gone. I rarely got a letter back but I knew Lorenzo was never good with words he was always a action person. He believed you should show love rather than just say it. On my birthdays I'd always get a phone call from him which would end with the promise of seeing each other soon.


Danny and I lived next door to Lorenzo his parents treated us like their own. Our parents treated Lorenzo like their own even after he was locked away they sent him money weekly to ensure he was never in trouble. Sadly when I was 16 Danny became my legal guardian when our parents passed in a car accident. We both dealt with it in our own ways mine being locked in the house unless I had school. Daniel worked everyday I never knew his job but I knew it helped us pay bills and get by. The house was paid off we just had to live in it which was a blessing I could never imagine still being here if Lorenzo's mother didn't help me find myself again. Lorenzo's parents always helped us with anything we needed which turned out to not be much since we were both mature and old enough to care for ourselves.

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