Welded together sawed part

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Ukraine's pov

I walked to the small porch attached to  me and Russia's house. It was small and homey, the hole left side of the small starter home was coverd in ivy the rest of the yard was just full of overgrown shrubs. Leaves from the large Oak tree flooded the Front yard in Orange and red. I opened the door and put my bags down and looked around the almost silent house. The only sound that could be herd was the tick of the clock and the small clang of metal on metal. That was Russia, it wasn't hard to tell. I walked into the kitchen and over to the garage door. I opened the door and looked around until I spotted Russia. He was hunched over a large metal table wearing welting gloves and mask.
"Hay, russ" I greeted
He turned off the torch and swivelled his char tords me and lifted the mask.
"Oh your home" he smiled at me before retiring back to he was doing. I watched as he finished up, it was fun to watch as sparks Floated thro the air and onto the tuff brown gloves.  Wen he was finally finished he stood up and removed the mask, looking up at me, I decided to Break the ice.
"Soooo what's that for, your world destructing mecca" I joked, he didn't actually have a giant robot but it thar was no harm in joking.
"Ha, no no it's for a small moving camera."
"Who you spaying on?"
"Wa- NO! It's not for spaying, it's for filming videos." He corrected me looking rather flustered
"Whatever you say, so wanna show it to me!"
"Uh... sure, I guess" he Turned around and showed me the small device in his hands. It almost looked like the golden snitch from Harry Potter, but with a camera stuck onto it.
"Cute I like it" It wasn't a Lie, It did have its charm.
" oh uh- thanks!"
He went back into the corner to continue working on sumthing, I decided it wold be best to leave Russia to his lonesome so he cold Focus on what he wanted to do. I walked back into the kitchen and inhaled sharply, the air in that garage was so damn stuffy it always baffled me how Russia could spend all day in that small dusty space, and wen the welting torch was on the garage turned into a oven. A swelling, dusty, small oven.

Time skip

I opened the pantry  and grabbed a can of soup, I set a pot on the stove and turned it on before poring the soup into it. I looked at the soup as it slowly can to a boil, once it was done I picked up two Ceramic bowls and filled one with soup. I picked up the second bowl and passed, I looked over to the garage door and let out a long sigh, I wasn't going to even try today. Russia hadn't come out of the garage for diner since last week, hell he hadn't come since last weak, period. Like what the hell was he eating, motor oil?! I finished up eating and just stared into the empty boil in thought. Everything had gone to shit since dad died. Me and Russia had always been close, I was the loud, talkative one and Russia was well Russia. He was hard to describe, always changing. But no mater how much he changed one thing stayed the same... we were inseparable, closer than close. But lately he had been cold, disturbing cold. Only taking to me wen I started The Conversation and even then he wold never talk for longer then five. And as much as I hated to say it... I was in pain, and I think he was two.  

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