Some dance to remeber, some dance to Forget -Hotel California

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Ukraine's pov
Ok, so I'm not quite Sure what I did but like out of a Fairytale I had gotten Russia to Agee to to drinking with some friends of mine. He had finally left the garage wich meant he was probably up in his room getting ready. As on cue Russia walked down the hallway and for one he didn't look exhausted. Good. We walked out to Russia's truck and hoped in, as I drove down the Street my eyes wonder over to the passenger seat.
"So you looking forward to this?" I asked trying to brake the silence.
"We can Dance and get hella drunk together!" I tried Once more.
"..." still nothing
"Russia, stop ignoring me!"
"Who said I was ignoring you." finally.
"I did!" a long silence pursued that sentence.
"... if you don't wanna talk you can tell me, you know that right?"
And that was that, the rest of the car ride to the bar was spent in silence.

Went we arrived at the bar we hoped out and entered the bar, it wasn't two crowded but it also wasn't to empty. I looked around before spotting a table were Germany, japan, Brazil, and America sat. In between America and Brazil were two empty seats, I plopped down next to Brazil leaving the other Chair for Russia. Me and mr Goldie (Because Brazil has lots of gold) talked for a bit before america chimed in.
" sooo... is Russia mute or sum thing?"
"You know like... he can't talk or sumthin?"
I looked over at Russia and he looked back at me, he then termed his gaze to
America he spoke.

Russia's pov

Was America really this dumb? Or was sum thing of with his head? No I think he was just stupid.
" yes America, I'm mute." Sarcasm dripped form my Voice. He looked at me surprised.
"Oh sorry dude, you seamed a little... quiet!" No shit Sherlock! Just than I herd America order.
" Can I get two bottles of vodka."  What!? What the hell was he doing? He wold get drunk if that much вода (water) just than the the bottles arrived. He slid one over to me, I gave him a questioning look. He seamed to catch on.
" I'm changing you to a drinking contest, one who drinks it all the fastest is the winner!" Was he fucking serious, oh he his going down!
"Ok." I said simply. I grabbed the bottle and opened it.
"One! Two! Three!!!"
On three we both began jugging, by the time I was was finished America was half way done with his, pathetic. After what seemed like forever America was finished... and shit faced drunk. I was also felling the buzz but I wouldn't say I was drunk, I was what America called 'tipsy'.
"Eeyyy, ruzia? Zat yu?" I swiftly Turn towards the sound of the voice, low and behold America was standing right behind me.
" да, it's me"
"Wanna sance"
"What?" What the hell did he just say?!
"Yo know, ye move to musik!"
"Ya" I couldn't tell if was the alcohol talking but I found my soon found myself dancing with America  on the dance floor. I sucked at dancing but this was kinda fun! The song changed and-
"Omg!! It's my muthin fucking song! Hotel Californo!" He began to sing along to song, he pulled me in by my hips and hugged me almost like a slow dance but more jazzy, in a drunken haze I hugged his upper back. Are affection went unnoticed by everyone else in the now crowded club/bar. He leaned up and rested his head on my upper chest, I moved my hands to hold around his neck and his hands moved to the small of my back. He leaned into my ere and whispered.
"You know I never really hated you"
"Yea! I always liked the way you... you.. handle things. ha, always the voice of Reason... I like that" I Currently was anything but the voice of reason, but appreciated the compliment anyway.
"Your always the funny man, that's hot"  I drunkenly admitted. He leaned tords my ear and whispered.
"I like you... like a lot." His lips met mine, it was only for a Second but I felt like my hart had gone super nova! He pulled away and his eyes meet mine we looked at each other  and then-


Idk why this is sideways

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Idk why this is sideways

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