Why do I care?

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Ukraine's POV

(Insert alarm sound) I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, shutting it off I left my Bed and started to get ready for work. I walked down into the kitchen and looked on the Counter, siting there on the counter was some blin (I think that's how you spell it) usually wen Russia cooked and left out the food for me He wood add a small note. There is no note but there was still food witch meant he had left the garage Wich was a good step. I waked through the living room and open the front door. Autumn wind blow my jacket as I waked to my motorcycle, Russia pick up truck was gone indicting that he had left. For what I wasn't sure he sometimes left to get more minerals and other times it was to drop of the Machines he made for customers. I hoped on my miter bike and set off for work.

Americas POV

I was startled awake by Canada's frantic screaming,
"We're late, were late!" He yelled
"For what?" I asked tiredly
"Wh- OH SHIT!!!" I jumped outa bed and put the first clean-ish shirt I saw. I grabbed canada's had and ran out the door. Jumping into the car me and Canada were of. Wen we arrived at work me and Canada ran into the building, we ran through the maze of hallways before reaching the meting room. We burst through the door and all eyes were on us. We sat down at the circle table and surveyed the country's around us, there eye finally left us and the meting began.
"Senpie, you were late"
I swiveled around to se Japan
"Uh ya I'm well aware." I replied slightly Annoyed.
"So you Coming?" she asked
"To what?!"
"To Ukraine's house, he invited us over!" She Explained. I'd never been to his home and I was wondering what it looked like.
" sure, I guess I'll come and Canada probably wouldn't mind."

Just as it had begun it had ended, the meting was over. I fallowed japan out of the meting and to her car, we hopped in and began the drive over to Ukraine's house. Once we got there I jumped out of the car and looked around. It was a small one story starter home, on the right there was a connected garage. In front of the open garage door there were two vehicles one was a black pick up in the bed of said truck was an assortment of oddball items. Next to the truck was was a small blue  motor bike, and behind both vehicles and inside the garage was Ukraine, he was working with a buzz saw. I didn't really know what he was doing, he'll I didn't even know he liked working with Metal.
"Hay, Ukraine!" I called out waking past to him. He shut if the saw and turned it towards me, my mind went blank this wasn't Ukraine who was thi-
His name hit my Brain like a bullet.
"What the hell are you doing here!?"
He gave me the most blank stare and turned around to re-continuous work. Just before I could say anything else Japan cut in.
"I forgot to tell you but... Ukraine and Russia live together."
I was annoyed, I came here to spend time with my friend not to spend time with one of my worst Enemies! The door behind Russia opens and Ukraine waked out.
" whoa Calm down, Russia won't leave the Garage well you're over. We don't want another fight!" Ukraine commented before signaling us to follow him into the house, me and Japan waked Thro the garage wen I passed Russia I looked back at him. He looked up at me same blank plastered onto his face, it made me... uncomfortable.

Time skip

Me, japan, and Ukraine ended up having a Great time. We played games and ate some cool snacks japan Brought over by the time me and japan were getting ready to leave I was a tad bit impressed that Russia had able to stay in that small garage for like five hours. As we left the house I felt a little bit like a dick for yelling at Russia, I mean he Didn't really do anything inherently bad and he kept his distance
" fuck "
"What's wrong America-kun? Japan asked
"It's... Nothing"
"Oh ok senpie!"

Why do I care?

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