Sovet boi'

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Ukraine's POV

Rounding every one up and dropping them of at thee respective houses had Taken Longer than Expected, one problem though I didn't know where America lived and said country was to black out drunk to even create a sentence so he was stuck at are house, and to my surprise and confusion russia was all over the sleeping America. I had went to check on America who I had left in Russia unused bed room only to find Russia snuggling in the covers with America going as far as to rap his legs around the sleeping country. It was kind funny to say the lest, Russia had never been a Cuddler and now I just had the privilege to walk in on him snuggling up to his worst enemy. I giggled to my self before going to bed. but not before leaving a glass of water and Tylenol sitting on the bedside table, America was going to want those in the morning.

Time skip

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, groaning I shut it off and lifted my body off my bed. I felt the same as every other morning, I didn't drink much last night just some beers. I walked into the living room being greeted by the smell of food.
"First off what's cooking second don't you have oh I don't know a massive hangover?!" I asked russia who was already awake.
"Syrnitki, and no my hangover I is not that bad." He blankly stated.
"You could just say "isn't" instead of "is not" you know that right?" I corrected him.
"What does "isn't" mean?"
"You know what never mind" Russia's English was good but it wasn't perfect, as much as I hate to admit it its kind of funny. He gave me a look and than returned to cooking, I waked up the stairs and into Russia's room to wake up America.

America POV:

Pain was the first thing that I felt wen I walk up, a pounding headache assaulting me as I open my eyes.
"So your Finally awake, took you long enough" Ukraine's Voice loudly echoed In could in my head adding to the pain. I moaned in pain grabbing the pills and the cup of water on my bed side I swallowed the pills before laying back down.
"Come on, get up. You don't want cold food for breakfast!"
"Wh- breakfast! Like pancakes!!" I shot up regretting it immediately wen my head began pounding again.
"Well not quite... we're having Syrnitki, it's like a pancake but with cottage cheese."
"Hay it's good, don't knock it tell you try it." Ukrain Added.
I crawled outa bed and down the stars. Almost like a zombie I mindlessly sad down at the table in the kitchen, looking around I found Ukraine sitting in front of me and Russia 👾 sitting right next to me and sitting on the table right before me was a plate of some weird pancake looking things. I consciously took a bite of them. "Well that aren't what I expected"  I admitted I thought they would be terrible but they weren't  half bad. And halfway through the meal that's when it hit me. " oh shit does anybody know I'm here"
I blurted out
" yes America, I know you're here"
I looked over at Russia.
" no dude really no jokes does anybody know I'm here that like isn't sitting here"
" probably not"
He answered looking away from me.
" well actually America  you could call them?"
Ukraine added. Just then a loud knock was hurt at the door, Russia was the first to get up and answer it.
" hey America your brother is here he said he's been worried sick, whatever that could mean" I jumped up from the table and ran over to the door. Pushing russia aside lately.
" hey bro I am so sorry you had no clue where I was I got like black out drunk last night" I desperately tried to explain before he could even get his words out
" yeah America I heard" Canada sounded like he would rather be anywhere else right now and talking to his brother surely wasn't helping.
" look dude I'm sorry it hopefully won't happen again" I quickly tried to reason
" just, in the back of the car"
I signed before waving goodbye to the two slavs inside. I'm surprised Canada won't even let me in the front seat. I guess I really let him down with my whole drunk episode last night. We hopped in the car and he  started to drive away.
" look Canada"
Me calling him by his real name really got his attention.
" I know that I really let everyone down last night, I know I'm supposed to be the bigger country in all of this, you know the superpower."
I really have let myself go last night didn't I-
" America I don't think you have to be the bigger country about all this," he cut my thots of
" it's just do you know how worried I was last night when you never came home. Anything could've happened to you you could've gotten mugged, kidnapped, killed!" He took one big breath and let it all out
" America I'm not angry at you I'm just really frustrated and worried you have to promise to never do that again"
I'd never heard of like that. That always happy facade quickly fading away. I think in a way I had Hurt him.
" yeah bro I promise I won't do it again"
That was one thing I could really promise. But it was less a promise I would never do that again and more promise that I won't hurt him again.

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