Crashing isn't fun! It hurts!!

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Disclaimer: I don't own Pitch Black/Riddick; I only own Shadow.


I looked around around me in confusion, I was still half asleep so everything was blurred. Red lights flashed on and off the walls while I looked around.
The ship was shaking and a booming sound was coming from the lack of the ship, however it was getting louder. Whatever was making that sound was getting closer. I could hear frantic yelling coming from the cockpit; most likely the crew.

"What the hell is going on?" I mumbled, in the corner of my eye I saw something move.

I tilted my head to get a closer look.

Johns was out of his cyro and he was stumbling towards Riddick's cyro to make sure he was still there. I gasped as I saw the back of the ship rip away and Johns was almost sucked out of it.

But just in time he grabbed a beam before he was completely out.

My attention was taken away from Johns when my cyro chamber made a snapping sound, panicking I pulled the release lever on my right and gotout just in time.

As soon as I hit the ground my cyro flew out of the ship along with a few others.

Unfortunately those cyros still had people inside of them.

I was jerked out of my thoughts as I realized if I didn't grab onto something soon I would fly out the ship. But there wasn't anything to grab hold of. I look around frantically for something, anything to grab into.

'Come on' I thought frantically as I desperately trying to hold onto the metal grating in the floor.

It didn't work, I lost my grip.

I screamed as I was thrown backwards to the gaping hole in the wall. Johns grabbed my hand but if he didn't let me go he would lose his grip on the beam.

I quickly made a decision, I looked at Johns and shook my head. I started to pry my hand away from his.

He looked at me in panic "What are you doing?! Stop!"

"Let go Johns" I yelled to him over the roaring wind

"No, I'm not gonna let you go!"

At this point I only had to tug my hand a little more to get free of his hand. I looked at him and smiled at him with watery eyes

"Bye Johns" I whispered then... I let go.

The last thing I heard from Johns was "No!"

Just as I let go of him the ship crashed into something and stopped moving. I was jerked out of the ship and I hit the ground a few times. I didn't stop skidding across the ground until a couple of moments later.


'I must have passed out again' I thought.

Everything hurt, it felt as if I was on fire. I tried to lift my head but I immediately cried out in pain. I waited a few moments then tried once again, I felt a stinging sensation but it was bearable.

Once my head was high enough I looked around with blurred vision and saw a dessert landscape. The ship was a couple of miles away from where I was laying.

Soon I couldn't handle the pain and I passed out.

Darkness Consumes Us (Pitch Black/Riddick)Where stories live. Discover now