Zira, Figts and Being Badass

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Disclaimer: I don't own Pitch Black/Riddick; I only own Shadow.

Hope you guys enjoy the story!

'Grrr' Mystery person

'Grrr' Thoughts

"Grrr" Talking

Chapter 14

It was quiet for a moment as Imam looked down processing the information Riddick had just shared. I could see how Riddick didn't really see Him in a positive way, I mean if your life started out that crappy it can be expected. Looking up at him I tapped his arm with my finger and he looked at me from the corner of his eye. I nodded at him with a serious face, I didn't pity him but I did see his reasons. Riddick nodded slightly back before refocusing his attention to Imam as he replied to Riddick's words,

"He is with us nonetheless." I sighed and by the way Riddick tensed I knew that Imam had pushed Riddick slightly over the line.

"One of your boys is already dead. How much faith do you have left, Father?" Riddick snapped back and Imam stopped talking and walked away.

"Don't you think that was kind of harsh?"


I lifted my hands in exasperation when Ali came running over and crawled into my lap, Riddick ruffled his hair slightly causing Ali to giggle and swat at his hand.

"Hello little one. Are you ready to go?"

"Yes mama."

"Good we are about to leave, can you go tell the others we will leave in a minute please?"

"Okay mama, bye papa" Ali said excitedly and ran off to tell the others.

"Pup seems excited" Riddick pointed out and I nodded, "he knows we'll be leaving this retched place behind soon."

We laid there for a few moments watching the others scurry around before I patted his thigh gently and stood up, "come on let's head out."

"Shadow," Riddick said seriously making my look at him "it's time."

I nodded and walked away to talk to the cubs, "Jack and Ali can I talk to you two for a moment please?"

Jack walked up to me with Ali on her hip, "what's up mom?"

"You both know that this isn't going to be easy right? It's going be to be dangerous, long and scary. Now I need you both to promise me that you won't try anything brave, what you might think will be brave just might get you hurt or…,"I trailed off not wanting to think about that "I want you two to stay close to me or dad at all times. Do you both understand me?"

"Yes mom/mama"

I smiled with relief and stroked both their cheeks softly and kissing their forehead softly, "thank you cubs. Now

'They will be fine, we will protect them" purred the voice from earlier.

'I know but I am still concerned about those creatures. They're getting desperate soon they won't care if they get burned as long as they get their prey. By the way what am I supposed to call you?"

It was quiet and I began to think she had left again when I got a reply, 'You may call me Zira'

At that name I had a feeling of familiarity but the more I thought about it the more the feeling went away until it was gone. I huffed and decided to just let the memories come to me, I would remember in time.

-Line Break -

We were in a single file line facing the entrance of the bio-raptor filed canyon. Riddick was holding onto the sled in the back, Hassan in front of him, then Jack and Ali then Imam and myself in front holding a torch to light the way. I had to hold the torch away from my eyes as they had grown accustomed to the darkness and had become a lot more sensitive to light.

"Move as fast as you can." Riddick shouted as tension rose rapidly.

"Are you sure you can keep up?" Hassan asked but Riddick roared out to move and with that we began our mad dash through the canyon.

Not even a minute after we had begun running the bio-raptors began to appear. First the babies came, flying straight at us but veered off course because they couldn't handle the light. Then the older ones began to fly around us before fleeing back into the darkness.

Their screeching grew louder and more feral in the next few minutes then a blue liquid began to rain down, 'What the hell is going on?' I wondered.

'The raptors have begun to fight each other. They have passed the line of starvation and are desperate for food' Zira answered and I nodded in understanding.

'I hope the bastards wipe themselves out of existence' I growled and she purred in agreement.

The others had slowed to a jog when the raptors began to fight, shocked at the scene. It was slowing us down and bio-raptors were beginning to fall dead out of the sky making it harder to run.

"Don't look up!" Riddick shouted as he knocked Jack and Ali forwards just as they were about to be crushed by a creature's corpse.

"Keep moving" I shouted back to them as I zig zag around the bodies of bio-raptors.

Soon we reached the narrow valley of bones; Riddick is now in front of us and rushing to get through the bones. All of a sudden I hear screams and my blood freezes solid in my veins as I realize who those screams belong to.

Spinning around I cry out as I see both of my cubs in danger. Jack is trapped underneath a piece of bone and on top of it is a creature, snapping at her. A few feet away from her is Ali who is curled up underneath small cave of bones, screaming as a raptor bashes its head against the blockage.

Imam and Hassan run to Jack and try to lure the raptor away, feeling slightly better that Jack was

'Kill it! Must protect cub from danger! Kill it, destroy it!' Zira screeched.

"Mama!" Ali screams and I rush down the slight hill I'm on and jump into the air, pulling out my two knives and as I landed on the bio-raptors' back plunging them into its side with a growl.

It screeched rearing up and bucking trying to shake me off, I grunted as it scratched me with its talons and was thrown off. I screamed when I hit the ground and landed on a sharp piece of rock, thankfully I want bleeding.

Hearing a screech, I looked up just in time to stop the raptor from biting my head off as it landed on me. I grabbed the side of its head and pushed as its teeth stopped less than two inches away from my face causing the raptor to roar at not getting a bite of me. But I roared right back while pushing with all my might. I was not going to die on this piece of shit planet and leave my mate and cubs behind!

'Let me take care over, I can get us out of this. Trust me' Zira coaxed and I reluctantly nodded.

and cubs behind!

As Zira took over I saw the world around me slow down and it felt as though I was watching a movie. I could see myself and the raptor fighting and the others fighting the raptor on top of Jack. I watched as Riddick ripped it off of her and growled in its disgusting face before pushing it up against the wall then gutting it with his shiv. He wiped away the blood that had splashed onto his face and spat on its corpse, "Did not know who it was fucking with."

Looking back at myself I saw surprised to see a dark, feral and chilling smile on my lips as I looked at the creature on top of me. I watched as Zakia used my body to flip the creature over her head and a good five feet away from her. She flipped onto her feet and slipped out my two knives from the sleeves and ran towards the now standing and pissed off bio-raptor. When she was close enough she slid across the ground and cut two deep lines down the raptor's belly. After she finished her slide she used the momentum to spin herself around and watch as the raptor's body stood for a second before crumpling to the ground.

'There's more where that came from I can assure you' Zira thought with a smirk.

'We...are...badass' was the only thought that I could process.

'Yes we are'


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