The Escape

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Disclaimer: I don't own Pitch Black/Riddick; I only own Shadow.


Just a heads up in this I'm going to make Ali around 6 years old and Jack 12 years


Chapter 4

I looked at Johns and smiled slightly "Hey Johns miss me"

He looked at me shocked "How are you still alive, I saw you fall out of the ship!"

I simply shrugged my shoulders and looked at the other people in the room.

In that moment Fry looked at me and gasped loudly we all looked at her in confusion,

"What are you doing with that?" she asked me with a growl

"With what?"

"The necklace!" she shouted "that belonged to Owens' wife and you better give it back. He believed it to be his good luck charm and I'm not going to let you steal it!" she said standing up.

At that I glared back, who does this chick think she is?!

"First of all Owens gave me this necklace before he died, he didn't say why he gave it to me or where it came from. I tried to give it back to him but he wouldn't let me. Second I wouldn't do such a thing so watch what you say blondie. Get your facts straight before you start accusing people of robbery."

She looked at me with her mouth agape and she couldn't find the right words to say. Her face grew red from anger and probably also embarrassment.

"Get out! Everybody! Get out!" she shouted with a stomp of her foot.

Rolling my eyes I walked out with everyone else, on my way out I saw a room that held a single beam that stood in the center of the room, but what caught my attention was the man chained to it.

"Riddick" I unknowingly muttered

His head snapped up and he seemed to smell the air, next thing I know he is struggling to get out of the bounds and is growling like a crazy animal. I jumped back and ran into Johns

'Of course who else would it be' I muttered to myself in annoyance.

"Whoa careful, come on let's head outside with the others"

He put his arm around my shoulders, which I found incredibly annoying and we walked outside into the hot atmosphere, the heat felt nice and I wanted to stay there forever.

If only I knew the horror that would unfold on this planet and the cause lay right underneath my feet.

Deciding to get the names of everyone and also to get away from Johns, I walked around and meet the others. Soon I knew everyone's name and they knew mine.

First was a holy man by the name of Imam and his three students Suleiman, Hassan, and Ali. Then there was a stowaway called Jack that I had a suspicion was actually a girl, but none the less he was a cute kid. Next came a married couple by the names of Shazza and Zeke. Zeke seemed alright but Shazza kind of got on my nerves a little bit and I could tell she wasn't very fond of me.

Anyway Paris was another survivor that was dressed strangely and seemed much like a mouse. He was very paranoid and always seemed to be complaining. Then there was Fry who I really didn't like because of two reasons, one I had a suspicion that she had done something to the ship and two because she had the whole 'I'm higher than thou' thing going on.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when Jack and Ali started to pull me towards everyone else. These two hadn't really left my side since I walked outside the ship but I didn't mind I felt like I needed to protect them as if they were my own.

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