Family,Prayer and Past Revelaed Slightly

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Disclaimer: I don't own Pitch Black/Riddick series; I only own Shadow.

As I walked up the group I cleared my throat and they all spun around looking at me with fright.

"Relax it's just me" I shrugged and picked up Ali who wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Where's Fry?" Imam asked and I looked him in the eyes, he knew where she was and why she wasn't with me. He frowned but nodded his head in acceptance of the situation though he obviously wasn't happy with it.

However he had to realize that she had been too far away to bring her back. When Johns had revealed that she was the one who had sacrificed all the other passengers to save her own ass and she would have dropped us too but Owens had stopped her. That's why he was screaming for her not to touch the handle before he died. At the thought of Owens I clutched onto the necklace while I held up Ali with my other arm.

Riddick appeared out of the shadows behind Suleiman who didn't notice him, so when he heard a creature screech somewhere in the distance and screamed when he saw him causing the others to look over in panic.

"Where's Johns" asked Jack as she huddled towards me.

"Which half?" he retorted causing her to whimper, I could tell that she was starting to unravel. If we didn't get off this planet soon I feared that my cub would lose her mind.

"We're going to lose everyone out here aren't we" she began to tear up.

"He died fast and if it comes to it that's how we should all go out"

Riddick walked forwards but stopped next to Jack and leaned down over her slightly whispering, "Don't you dare cry over Johns, don't you dare" he pressed a very brief kiss to her head before walking towards the canyon.

As he passed I caught his eye and raised an eyebrow, it was obvious to me that Johns had said something that had greatly angered Riddick. He shook his head and I nodded we would talk about it later.

"Only one way through, keep the kids in the middle, and light everything we got then run as fast you can."

"What about the cells?"

"I'll take the cells" he answered and I narrowed my eyes at him but said nothing.

After we went back and got the cells and shed that had been left as we ran away from the fight between Riddick and Johns then sat down to rest and prepare ourselves for the journey through the canyon.

Riddick and I were sitting against a piece of rock as Imam prayed with the children. "I saw you fighting with Fry." Riddick rumbled and I looked down at my hands and nodded.

"You're a good fighter, you need more work on your stance and strength but you did well," I smiled at the praise as he continued on "have you ever fought anybody before?"

"I don't know"

"What do you mean you don't know? It's either yes or no."

"I don't know, I only know my name because my bag said it, and I don't even know my last name or where I came from or if I have a family. I only know I woke up in some alley with my backpack next to me, and had to look in some dirty puddle near me to see what I looked like before leaving and getting on the ship." I said looking off into the distance trying to hide my tears from Riddick.

As I talked I realized how much I didn't know about myself and the thought terrified me. It hadn't really affected me until now because at that time I had no time to sort through how I felt.

"Shadow none of that crap matters, it's not important that you don't know what you were before the crash. Maybe it's best if you don't know what happened and why you were in that alley in the first place. What's important is that you got the pups and me and we ain't going anywhere, it doesn't matter but you got us…forever"

I turned to him and weakly smiled at him in thanks and took a deep breath to calm myself down.

"Thanks Riddick" I looked him and he nodded. I leaned in and kissed him softly and he tensed, not responding. As I was pulling away he unfroze and brought me closer to him by the back of my head so that my upper half was laying on his chest while my lower was still on the sand.

Unfortunately before anything else could happen Imam walked over, clearing his throat. Sighing, I pulled away and Riddick growled slightly and I kissed his neck to calm him down.

'Shall we pray together?" Imam asked unaffected by Riddick's behavior. "I have prayed with all the children already. It is painless."

"It's pointless" Riddick counteracted.

"Just because you don't believe in God doesn't mean he doesn't bel-"

"You don't see," Riddick interrupted "think someone can spend half their life in the slam, with a horse bit in their mouth and not believe? Think he could start out in some trash bin, umbilical cord around his neck and not believe?" Riddick glared at into Imam's eyes "Got it all wrong holy man, I believe in God. And I absolutely hate the fucker."

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