The Battle Is Won, Let the War Continue

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Disclaimer: I don't own Pitch Black; I only own Shadow.

Chapter 16

It had been thirty minutes since Riddick had left and I was beginning to panic slightly. I tried my best to not let it show, but I think Jack notices as she gave me a reassuring smile from her place on the cot. Ali was trying his hardest not to fall asleep as he laid down on the cot next to Jack's,

"Ali why don't you go to sleep for a little while, I'll wake you when the others get here."

"No, I want to see Papa when he comes back" he shook his head.


Not even a minute later I hear banging on the door and immediately rush over and have my knives at the ready before opening the door. I relaxed when I saw it was Imam and Suleiman and gestured for them to come in,


"Thank Allah we found you" Imam said with a sigh of relief as set Suleiman down in one of the seats and checked over him. Jack and Ali hugged them both and I smiled at the scene before frowning, I turned to Imam.


He turned to me, "Yes"

"Where is Riddick?"

At his name both he and Suleiman frowned and looked away from me. What the hell? "Imam where is he? What happened?"


I grew frustrated and growled at them both, "damn it, tell me where my mate is!"

Suleiman looked at Imam hesitantly before beginning to tell us that Riddick had been blocked by a raptor and had yelled for them to keep going. If he wasn't back in ten minutes, we were to leave without him. A few moments after they had left they heard him cry out before it went silent. Jack and Ali began to cry and I closed my eyes and looked down shaking my head. He said he was going to come back, he promised. My eyes snapped open before I growled and looked at Imam,

"I'm going to get him, if we're not back in thirty minutes leave no matter what."

Ali and Jack ran over to me and told me to be careful to which I hugged them tightly and kissed their cheeks. Nodding at Imam and instructing him to keep the lights around the ship on, I ran into the darkness to go and help my mate.

Luck seemed to be on my side for the moment as I only had to face two creatures as I ran out in the open before entering the maze of buildings. After searching for a few minutes I began to grow frustrated when I saw something leaning against a wall of one of the complexes. Jogging over I began to make out the shape of Riddick trying to move along the wall clutching his left side.

"Riddick" I shouted and ran to him, his head snapped up, revealing his unique eyes that shone through the dark.

"Shadow? What are you doing here?" his voice was slurred and as I touched his hand that was covering his side I saw it was covered with blood.

"Yeah it's me and I came to get you of here. You promised us that you would come back and you're going to keep that promise to our cubs damn it. I won't let you let them down, so get your ass up we got to go." I growled at him as I put his arm around my shoulder and grunted as I pulled him into a standing position.

Losing my breath, after most of his weight fell on me I shrugged it off and focused on keeping him upright. We only had around ten minutes until they were to leave us behind.

"What the hell happened to you?"

"Ambushed, another creature came out while…I was fighting another." He grunted as we stumbled on our way to the shuttle.

Darkness Consumes Us (Pitch Black/Riddick)Where stories live. Discover now