The Tournament Begins

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It's been a few days since Misty attacked Akira and got arrested it was the day of the tournament and everyone was excited. Ash, Akira, Paul, and Gary were headed to the stadium for the opening ceremony and his unveiling as the Alolan champion to the world. With Ash he had selected Pikachu, Mew, Greninja, Garchomp, Dewott(I don't like Samurott's design so he won't evolve again), and Charizard. Paul had Torterra, Honchkrow, Electivire, Gastrodon, Drapion, and Frostlass. Unlike most elite 4 members who focused more on 1 type if Pokemon Paul used multiple Pokemon thus making it harder to beat him when he has no specific type. Gary decided to come along only to help Ash and Akira if they run into the traitors, he knows they will start something. Especially with Misty now behind bars they will say several things that will make Ash do something he'll regret.

The group continued walking inside til they went their separate ways. Gary went up to the stands to watch the tournament and wished them luck. Akira went inside where the rest of the participants are for the ceremony to begin. Ash and Paul being a champion and elite 4 member went up to the balcony for now. Paul however wanted to keep his distance from everyone. He heard Alder was a bit loud and didn't feel like dealing with an old man that acts like a child.

"So today you tell them?" Paul asked whether walked to an elevator.

"Yeah, although if I had to be honest, I'm not sure I'm ready. I mean 15years ago they tried stealing my Pokemon and kicking me to the curb." He said a little nervous, but Paul could tell he was over exaggerating a slight bit but shrugged it off. They made their way to the balcony as it begins.

Goodshow walked over to the mic and spoke in it. "Welcome trainers to the Tournament of Champions! Each trainer here has been given an invitation to participate for their past accomplishments as well as the rules." Many trainers confirmed that. "Now before I allow my friend to introduce himself. I want to wish everyone good luck and may the best trainers win." He said then handing the mic to Ash who stepped forward.

"As champion of the Alola region I welcome you all here! But I did promise Charles I would tell everyone my name. My name is Ash Ketchum." Many people that knew of him from past leagues were shocked, some confused never hearing of him, the traitors didn't believe any of this.

"Looks like Steven owes me 50,000 poke!" Alder laughed then looked at Ash with a big smile. "Congrats Ashton we knew you had in it you."

"It's still Ash."

"The second we heard the Alolan champion uses a Pikachu we knew it was you." Cynthia said next

"So, how's life been for the last 15years?" Lance asked curiously

"Well I got a son to take care of while my wife works a lot." Ash answered the Jhoto Champ

"Really? Where does she work?" Cynthia asked suspiciously Ash noticed this and sighed. She probably thought it was something like Team Rocket.

"Aether foundation she runs the company with her brother."

"You really set the bar high kid." Alder laughed

"I'm 33." Ash nearly facepalmed. "Hey, are you guys alright if my son stays up here between rounds? I don't trust my former friends to not kidnap him." The Champions were alright with this and he left to get Akira before the traitors tried anything.

"KETCHUM!" Ash heard several voices yell.

"Dammit why did it have to be them! Now of all times!" Pikachu groaned but part of him as happy Mew was invisible.

"I don't know but get ready for a fight." Ash mumbled he turned around to face the traitors. "What do you want?"

"The truth! How can a trainer from the boonies like you become a champion!" Trip yelled Ash was annoyed not at the insult, but the fact Trip has clearly been using the same insult for 16 years.

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