The End????

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It's been a year since the incident with the traitors. Ash left to go on some business meetings a lot more since then now that there's no one to piss him off/ talk down on him. Lillie started training Shiron, she didn't want to leave everything to Ash again. Akira was still getting used to having 1 arm. He was upset at that but glad once the therapy ended.

Right now, however he was excited he was finally allowed to travel the other regions. He could see everything the world had to offer and catch more pokemon.

"Hey, Mikachu, wake up." The now 12-year-old said.

"5 more minutes." She yawned going back to sleep. Akira frowned and picked her up and ran downstairs to grab some food.

"Hey sweetie, are you ready for your adventure?" Lillie asked her son who was eating everything at the table while Mikachu refused to wake up.

"Yeah. If only she would wake up though." Akira tried shaking her to no avail. "She's gotten really lazy lately." He groaned

"Maybe if you 2 didn't stay up all night she wouldn't be so tired." Ash said with Pikachu and Mew nodded in agreement.

"Sorry. We were excited about traveling the world." He said taking one last bite of his food before putting the plate in the sink.

"I was the same when I started." Ash said remembering the day he got the yellow mouse. Pikachu remembered it differently mostly because he still loves to shock Ash once in a while.

"Anyway, have you decided where you're going to travel through first."

"Yeah, I'm going to Sinnoh and win the league." He scooped up Mikachu grabbed some food and ran out the door.

"He's a lot like you Ash." Pikachu said drinking the ketchup. Over the past year he's been practicing talking at the same time training. He didn't want to be like Meowth who a sorry excuse for his species. So, while he can speak English, he also still has the capability to learn more moves and get stronger.

"What do you mean." Lillie asked, Pikachu smirked at this. He hasn't embarrassed Ash in front of his wife yet. "Well Ash has fucked up plenty of times on his journey. Hell, when we challenged our first gym we lost in under a minute because he didn't learn basic type disadvantages, like how electric doesn't effect ground."

"Hey, we overcame that weakness." Ash retorted

"Yeah when we got to Hoenn. I learned Iron Tail which barely does anything to Ground types."

"Yeah your right Pikachu I did screw up a lot but at least I didn't develop claustrophobia." Ash shot back the yellow mouse about his fear of small spaces.

"Shut up." The starter grumbled

"So, are you 2 done?" Mew asked Ash and Pikachu looked at each other then back to Mew and nodded. "Good cause we still some things to pick up for Akira." She said teleporting to Akira's grabbed a small box then back.

"Hey that's." Pikachu said speaking pokespeak now. Ash grabbed the box and opened it having all of Akira's Z-crystal and Z-ring.

"Thanks Mew, let's head out." Ash said with the box in hand. They left the house to take the next flight to Kanto to get Gary to help with this project of his.

(on the boat to Sinnoh)

Akira and a now awake Mikachu was looking over the horizon without a care in the world. Excited to see what the world will throw at them. Unbeknownst to them they got a passenger. Aa pair of black ears stuck out of his backpack with a giggle.

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