Akira vs Tobias

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Akira vs Tobias Hero's Son vs Legendary Trainer

"Thanks for the food Mallow." Ash called out to his green haired friend.

"It was very good Mallow." Lillie said

"MORE!" Akira yelled holding out his plate. Mikachu mimicked him Gary laughed how much alike those 2 were.

"Sure." Mallow said giving him more, she was prepared for when a Ketchum came to her family's restaurant. That family can eat a restaurant out of all the food. Akira immediately devoured all the food Mikachu did the same with her.

"So, Akira you got a plan to beat Tobias?" Paul asked the young Ketchum who nodded and swallowed his food.

"Yup, but I won't say anything. I want it to be a surprise." He told them finishing his food. Once he finished his food, they headed to the stadium for Akira's second round battle. He picked Sandslash, Lycanroc, and Leafeon. Entering the stadium with the yellow cat/mouse Pokemon on his shoulder they saw the man that humiliated Ash and his Pokemon all those years ago.

"That battle between Akira Ketchum and Tobias will now begin! Trainers send out your Pokemon!"

"Darkrai." He said calmly being a 3 on 3 battle he was confident that Darkrai would be enough.

"Lycanroc Go!" He said releasing the Canine like Pokemon. Since Lycanroc was first he knew the plan to get close to Darkrai thanks to Mew.

"Pathetic. Darkrai Dark Void." The nightmare Pokemon formed a sphere of darkness and threw it at Lycanroc. Pretending to be unable to dodge the attack he shut his eyes on direct contact waiting for a command.

"Lycanroc!" Akira yelled with fake worry he knew Lycanroc isn't asleep due to his ability Vital Spirit.

"End it with Dream Eater!" Tobias ordered as the Pokemon flew to Lycanroc ready to use the move, but something was wrong. Tobias noticed this and figured Darkrai was disobeying him. "What are you doing Dream Eater!" Darkrai was close enough and if Tobias was paying attention, he would have seen the smirk on Akira's face.

"Lycanroc open your eyes and use Stone Edge!" The rock types shot open as he slammed his paws in the ground causing pillars to shoot out of the ground. Due to the fact they were surprised he didn't issue a counter or tell Darkrai to dodge so the legendary got hit hard. Despite getting hit by the powerful rock type move it was still able to battle.

Tobias saw it now though; he was baited into having Darkrai get close.

"Lycanroc Stone Edge again!" Akira yelled this time Tobias was prepared.

"Dark Pulse." He ordered the nightmare Pokemon sent the dark type energy at the pillars destroying them expecting to hit Lycanroc but to their surprise he was nowhere in site. But what they did see was Akira in a strange pose.

"Continental Crush!" He yelled suddenly there was a large shadow above the stadium. Everyone looked up to see Lycanroc and a massive Boulder and Lycanroc using it. The Boulder came down fast and smashed into Darkrai. Tobias was shocked he was losing to a Ketchum like he was nothing. Darkrai was still able to continue although badly injured while Lycanroc looked like it barely took any damage.

Tobias grabbed Darkrai's pokeball and returned the legendary and grabbed another. "I'll deal with you later." He snarled at the pokeball before throwing another. "Latios make this quick." The Psychic/Dragon Legendary appeared ready to battle.

"Lycanroc use Stone Edge!" Lycanroc slammed his paws into the ground sending glowing stones towards Latios who didn't seemed worried.

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