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"Joe! I swear, if you don't stop pretending to throw those damn sticks then I'll, well, I don't know. But I'll do something." Day one of the samba had been stressful, which could evidently be heard through Dianne's voice. They had had such a great week doing the Paso, them being back to their normal selves. But this week, the pressure was on. Blackpool was in reaching distance, and neither of them wanted the opportunity to slip through their fingers.

"I'll stop now, I promise." She shot him a look, conveying the words 'I know you Bloody won't' before walking to restart the music. 2 steps into the run through, she had stormed off towards the music player again.

"Right, how can I stop you having this grandad posture?" He shrugged at her. 'I don't know, you're the professional, you work it out' he thought, deciding to keep his mouth shut in fear of his head being bitten off. "We need to loosen your hips. Come here, you need to stretch."

The next half an hour involved Joe stretching in the floor, his facial expressions giving away how painful it was. "How much longer do I need to do this? I feel like something is going to rip."

"5 more minutes, then we need to get back to this routine." She smirked, whilst turning her attention back to her phone. "And that'll do. For now."

"What do you mean 'for now'? Are you actually trying to kill me off?" He looked up at her, with  flushed face.

Holding out her hands, she pulled him up. "I wouldn't dream of it, Joseph. Now, let's get back to this samba."


"Why am I so sore after day one? Oh wait, I know why." He moved his head, making direct eye contact with her, whilst he was cooking dinner. "It's because someone made me stretch until I couldn't walk."

"Hey, it's not my fault you need to work on your flexibility." She said cheekily.

"I would stop with the sass unless you want this stir fry on you."

"Oh you wouldn't dare." She didn't get a reply, just a noodle thrown on the front of her T-shirt. "You're on, Joseph Sugg."

Grabbing a few noodles out the pan, she launched them at him, and to her amusement, they stuck to his face. Running round to her, he removed the noodles one by one off his face, and delicately placed them in a line on the top of her head.

"If I wasn't so hungry, I think you may have had the whole pan on you." Leaving a sweet kiss on her nose, he went back to plating up their food. "There you go, my love." He said while sliding the bowl across the work surface.

"Thank you." Were the only words she managed to muster out before shovelling down her food.

"Be careful, I don't want you to get sick." He had a concerned and protective look on his face, which was one of the cutest things that she had ever seen.

She brought her hand up to his cheek, stroking it softly with her thumb. "I'm fine, honey. Although I do need to wash my hair now, thanks to you." She nudged him.

"You go have a shower, I'll clear up."

"No, you cooked. I'm cleaning up." He went to open his mouth before she interrupted him. "Don't argue with me." She looked down at his bowl, before returning to look into his eye once more. "I bet that I can shower before you finish that."

"I bet you can. Go on, why don't you go prove yourself right."

He had never seen her run so quickly.


"I love your hair after you've washed it."  They were laid in pitch black, both under the duvet, before his comment came completely out of the blue.

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