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5 cups of coffee, about 15 pages of raw manuscript, and approximately 27 different groans of boiling frustration.

The daily recipe that Lee Yeoreum has to go through everyday, to survive in the publishing firm she worked at.

"I need the initial draft by Monday, so we can head over to the marketing team to see if your book is actually feasible to release. But for now..." The middle- aged lady placed the deck of papers neatly on the table, putting Yeoreum's cat paperweight on top.

"You're on hold, sweety. Number one, these aren't even bookbinded. Two, it should be in single spacing, not one point five. Three, your plot is terribly mediocre and has so many holes it's giving your ripped jeans, a run for it's money." Yeoreum looked down on her worn- out pair of denim, even dusting off some stray coffee powders from yesterday's encounter.

"There aren't much holes in these jeans though." She whispered, under her breath, hoping the lady wouldn't hear.

"I heard that. I know you've been working hard on this for the past few weeks, but I think, giving your brain a little bit of hangtime would be nice. You know, to get those juices flowing. Because from what I've read, it's like you've encountered so many writers' blocks while writing it, that you decided to just fit them all in one story." Cathy raised a brow at the  tired girl, turning away to clack her heels at another direction. Yeoreum almost rolled her eyes at the woman's remark.

"Glad she's gone." Seolha, Yeoreum's coworker, said from the table across. "Tell me about it."

"Can't believe she's been stuck here for a whole 25 years and only managed to stay as a Creative Consultant." Seolha added, sipping her iced americano. The warm scent of coffee was emanent throughout the whole office, which was one of the reasons why Yeoreum loved to work here even more.

"Miss Cathy seems nice at times, I understand her standards must be high, considering she's been here for so long." Yeoreum chimed innocently, her hands carefully sifting through her papers.

"You're ridiculously nice, Yeoreum. Maybe the reason she's so strict with you is because she's seeing someone so young and brilliant, someone who's only been in the company for 3 weeks, make it further than she ever did in 25 years." Seolha truthbombed, sipping once more from her drink.

"I'm only here part time. I'm still a student so I have to work twice as hard, you know? Also, living in Seoul makes everything seem so much more fast-paced than it already is." Yeoreum smiled at Seolha, a hint of enthusiasm in her voice. Seolha couldn't help but smile as well, noticing how positive Yeoreum took the situation. It made her think of how she was a few years back, when she was first starting out in the company.

"That fighting spirit's going to get you far in this industry, Yeoreum. Don't lose it." The elder reminded, Yeoreum nodding in reassurance.

"Gotta go, unnie. I have to present my work to the board panelists. See you!" Yeoreum waved with her right hand, clipboard on the other.

Some would call it beginner's luck, but some would prefer to call it talent. But it seemed like Yeoreum had both, the girl had a knack for writing stories just like how her dad told her those every bedtime when she was younger. Not to mention, her father was a hefty and hardworking writer as well.

She was daddy's little girl, and so when her father passed away 6 years ago from a kidney failure, that's when it left a mark she knew she didn't want to forget.

Working 2 jobs at once, staying at school and taking care of her baby brother Yeonsoo, she would seem like a superhero to anyone. But for Yeoreum, it was plain simple. She just wanted to write, to live her dream, live her father's dream, and to read her own stories to her brother for him to remember in the future. And furthermore, she believed her little dream would make the biggest difference.

"They're all waiting for you inside, please do come in, Ms. Lee." One of the employees lead her into the room.

"Perfect! Now that we're all complete, let this meeting begin!" Yeoreum gulped, forgetting how the head panelist was like, it made her even more nervous.

But nevertheless, she started her presentation. She had written a romance novel following two star- crossed lovers, in a quest to find each other once they accidentally escape into a portal to another dimension.

The plot in Yeoreum's head was a lot more dynamic and well- played, but I assume you get the point.

"It seems a little too sketchy, almost cliche. Didn't we already get like 6 different fantasy entries this month? Why is everyone so stuck on something surreal? We need real life!" The head panelist skipped through the papers recklessly. Some pages flying away.

"But a lot of the symbolisms used in some chapters are actually based on rea-" Yeoreum halted as the head panelist had slammed his fist on the wooden table, right on top of her clipboard, her pen making a sound as it rolled out of the table.

"Miss Lee, I do not care about your symbolisms! What I'm saying is that we need something commercial, something that will sell to the public as of this modern time. People are tired of the same old 'destiny fantasy love story'. They want something endearing, something carnal, to spike their senses!" The head panelist explained extravagantly, using hand gestures.

"Well, uhm we could maybe.."

"Uh, what about... fanfiction! That's it! That's what the youngsters like these days, don't they? Those stories where they imagine getting together with their idols?!" He snapped, as if he thought of the most brilliant idea in man's history.

"It's fast. It's effective, and it's cost- efficient. What do you say, Miss Lee?" His expression once again turned into a bright one. Yeoreum scanned the room to analyze the other panelists' reactions, and for a moment she was sure they all had one thought in mind.

"But uh, isn't that sort of like the same old 'destiny fantasy love story you just sa-" The head panelist slammed his fist once again on the wooden table, making the others flinch.

"Okay, so we scratch your story. Your assignment now is to search which idols are trending at the moment, and try to do a little research. Then I want you.." He points directly at Yeoreum and naturally, her eyes were glued to his pointing finger.

" return to me in 3 days to submit your proposal for a brand new plot and a brand new story!" The head panelist rejoiced in his 'not- so-bright' idea. The other panelists looked at each other, knowing exactly what they were thinking. But sadly, they could only do so much, since they knew that their say wouldn't affect the final outcome.

"Excuse me, I don't quite understand. Uh, are you telling me to go write,  fanfiction?!" Yeoreum blurted, wide eyed. It took her a few moments to realize what she had gotten herself into.

"Yes, Miss Lee. You're going to be writing fanfiction."

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