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"Shit.." Was all I could say.

This was exactly what Sam told me to be aware of. This was what he meant. This was the thing he was scared of happening to us.

The damned thing called paparazzi.

I looked to y/n and her face had gone wide. This was gonna be all over the internet in no time and everything was going to change for her. For us. This girl who id met 4 days ago and had fallen for. The girl who's hand I was holding.

I tugged her hand away, pulling her out of her frozen state. She looked at me and I tugged her further away from them before they could try and take more photos.

Things seemed to get worse when I single droplet of water fell onto my forehead and trickled down face. I looked up at the sky and more droplets started to fall, it slowly started to get more and more heavy.

Y/n looked at me with a daring smile and started giggling as more water came down and started covering us, we tried to cover our head and started fast walking to try and get out of the rain and away from the paparazzi.

A fast walk soon turned into a run and laughs came out of us and we ran though the rain, a few flashes of cameras still coming from behind us.

I laughed as the rain wet our heads and we were getting soaked. All the shops just had to be closed right now.

"We need to get to the car!" I yelled towards her. She nodded and she turned around, the paparazzi had left and had scattered somewhere else.

We ran down the pavement, trying not to slip and possibly get badly hurt. We laughed and ran though the water, looking at eachother every now and then.

The rain just kept getting heavier and heavier but thank goodness the car was just a few Feet away.

I quickly opened y/ns door and let her climb inside before running over to my side and climbing into the car. I shut the door and looked over at Y/n who was out of breath from running. We laughed and leaned back against the seat and getting it slightly wet.


You laughed and slowly calmed down after running through so much water and trying to get away from the paparazzi

"that was insane" Tom said with a laugh. You nodded and breathed slowly, regaining your breath.

You looked down at your hand and the feeling of his hand still lingered. You looked up at him and he gave you a smile, he laughed.

"You are drenched love" He said with a laugh at your watery state. You looked at your soaked clothing and nodded, you definitely needed to get out of your dress. You looked over at him and laughed. "So are you"

He nodded and ran his fingers through his wet and sticky hair, a small piece of hair fell in his face.

Awkward silence was starting to fill the AI and you really wanted to talk about something but you didn't know what to talk about. You watched the hard rain fall out from the window and you both knew that there was no way you could drive in this weather.

"What's you're favorite quote?" Tom suddenly asked. You Looked at him a Little confused about the sudden question, you looked forward and tried to think of a good one.

"You don't know how much you love someone until you lose them." You said. Tom smiled and nodded, "That's a good one."

You smiled and nodded, "How about you?" You asked. He looked at you and bit his lip thinking, he leaned backwards a little and leaned against his seat.

"A girl is like a glass vase, you drop her and she'll shatter, You can piece he back together but the cracks will always be there."

You thought about the quote and how true it was, you'd had your heart broken by so many people that even after you forgave them, you still felt a pain when you'd think of the past memories, about how they'd hurt you in the past.

"You okay?" Tom asked, you looked at him and nodded, giving him a smile smile. "Yeah, just thinking." You replied.

"About what?.. If you don't mind me asking." He asked, you bit your cheek and shrugged slightly. "I don't know, just thinking about how true that is you know, like.." You didn't want to embarrass yourself by rambling on about something stupid so you just shook your head and laughed quietly. "Nevermind, it's stupid."

He looked at you and grabbed her hand gently, rubbing his thumb over the top of your hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. "Love, Nothing you say is ever stupid."

You blushed and smiled, he looked at you in a way that was telling you to continue talking, you nodded and looked down slightly.

"It's just, every heart break is gonna leave a dent in your heart, you're never gonna forget it. You'll always remember every single one because they meant something to you and whether you like it or not, those memories are always gonna be there. I've just.. been hurt so many times that I think my heart is just an oddly shaped.. thing, that doesn't even look like a heart anymore."

Tom stared at you intently as you spoke, he felt deep sympathy for you as he couldn't understand why they would hurt you, in his eyes, you were perfect and didn't deserve to be hurt. He wondered why people hurt other people in general anyways. He watched as you spoke with sometimes cracks in your voice and it made his heart shatter every time.

"And I'm just so stupid, I keep falling for the wrong guys who just keep using me and think it's okay to say they only like me for my looks and they think it doesn't hurt when it really really does.. I'm just.. im a disappointment." You continued.

Tom looked at you with furrowed brows and a slightly angry look on his face as you degraded yourself. He shook his head and gently cupped you face with his other hands studying your eyes.

"You are not a disappointment. Everyone falls for the wrong people, it's destined to happen.. I've fallen for the wrong people, even though it doesn't seem like it, I've been hurt a million times too and it hurts like hell every time, but I'm not gonna sit here and listen to you degrade yourself."

You blushed and leaned more into Toms hand, feeling the warmth of it against your cheek, a blushy smile across your face.

"Y/n, you are an beautiful girl, you're funny, smart, probably talented in so many ways that I'd love to find out and so so kind, the first thing I noticed about you was how nice you were, you were so reserved and it was so nice. The first time I met you, I was so intrigued by you, Sam was teasing me about it the whole way back." He gave you a small smile that made your heart flutter.

"Even though I thought you were Jesus?" You asked with a laugh. He nodded and laughed. "Even though you thought I was Jesus."

He moved his finger to gently rub over your bottom lip, you looked at him and a small side smile came on your face.

He glanced down at your lips before gently leaning forward and placing his lips against yours, your lips gently molded together like they were made to be together, it was perfect.


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