Chapter 20

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            ~Brooke's P.O.V~

"Cole! Where did you put my shoes!?" I shouted as I rummaged through my closet.

"How should I know!?" He shouted back, but I could literally hear him smirk.

I huffed and went to hind his siblings.

"Hey guys you mind attacking Cole for me?" I asked grinning mischievously.

Their faces brightened and they went to look for him.

I then went to his room and found him hiding in his closet. "Got' cha!" I shouted as I tackled him. "Now where are my socks?!"

"R-right here!" He said handing them to me while laughing.

I took them and ran to my room. Waiting for his siblings to attack.

During dinner Cole made sure to glare at me. I mean why do such a thing? Aren't I innocent?

After dinner my phone began to ring.
"Yes?" I asked.

"You need to go to Saint Matthews Hospital right away!" Came Samantha's voice.

"What!? Why!?" I said now very worried.

"Liam. He's in trouble." Was all she said then she hung up.

I yelled for Cole and then we drove to Saint Matthews. The drive was long and quiet both of us holding our breathes. I mean Liam couldn't be hurt that bad, right?

When we got there I asked to see Liam Knight and they told me to go to Room 3. Cole and I hustled to the room and my heart was beating wildly.

I ran there as quick as possible and burst through the doors. I saw Liam's family, Samantha, and Destiny sitting there. While Liam was lying in a bed looking very pail.

"What happened?" I asked quietly.

"He was shot." Liam's mom said her eyes bloodshot.

I nodded and kept quiet, silently praying he would get better.

Then a doctor came in and ushered us out. I sat on a waiting couch and let tears fall from my eyes.

Cole sat by me and put my head in his lap, "Everything will be okay." He said gently.

I nodded, trying to convince myself that, but Liam's face still plagued my thoughts. He looked so sick and well almost dead.

We sat there for maybe an hour and the doctor finally let us come in.

When we came in we saw that Liam was awake. "Liam!" I shouted. Then I ran up to him and hugged him.

"Need-to-breath.." He said obviously tired.

"Are you okay?" I asked backing away.

Instead of nodding he shock his head. "Everything hurts." He answered truthfully yet his voice was very weak and frail.

"You'll be fine! Okay!? You'll be fine!?" I practically yelled tears streaming down my face.

He shook his his head a bit, looking purely exhausted.

"Brooke, I want you to know- th- that no mater what, I love you." He said faintly as if already gone.

"No Liam! You can't go! You can't leave me!" I cried as I felt myself be pulled back.

"I love you..." He whispered one more time, for the last time.

I couldn't believe it. Just a second ago he was alive and breathing and now he was stone, cold dead.

Then he was silent and his heart stopped. I collapsed and began to weep. Liam Knight was dead and it was all my fault.

Cole scooped me up and we left with the weeping family.

This is all my fault. This is all my fault. Why didn't I stay?

The family returned home and decided that the funeral was to be in one weeks time.

All the while, I was sobbing in Cole's arms.

When I had cried all my tears I went to comfort Megan and Destiny who soon cried themselves to sleep. Why did this happen? So many people loved him and now he was gone. At least he would never be forgotten. At least he died knowing he was loved by many.

This is the story of the player's fiancèe.

                 The End.


The end. Well that was....very sad, it was probably very bad writing as well, I do apologize. Poor Brooke.... If you guys want to know Brooke ends up with Cole (surprise! Surprise!)
Brooke eventually recovered but still feels guilty. Well that was the end. Question: Should I make an alternative ending? I'm no sure yet.
(And cry if necessary)

The Player's Fiancée Where stories live. Discover now