Anti ErrInk?

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Error and Lust were hanging out with Nighgmare and Dust while waiting for the next voice. Thankfully, they didn't have to wait long. A 'TING' sounded out, followed by a deep 'BONG'. Curious as to why there were two sounds, all eyelights turned to screen. Well, all except Classic's. He was sleeping.

Turns out the previous voice was back.

"@Ciara565 has asked questions and made a dare."

"All right," Error muttered, "What is it now?" The two noises sounded out again, and the voice's words appeared.

"Me again! How much do you like drawing Ink? Why does Error destroy AUs? On a scale of 1to 50 how much would Ink say he disliked Error and vice versa? Did you know you're all adorable? I love you all equally! And while I'm here and stuff, take it and tape Blue's mouth for no reason >:)"

A roll of Flex-Tape hit Red on the skull, causing Stretch to yell, "Now that's a lot of damage!" much to the amusement of the others.

Red growled and shoved the tape into his pocket, saving it for after the questions were answered. Everyone waited for a good few minutes, waiting for Ink to start. Red, annoyed by the lack of talking, stood up. "Well?" he questioned harsjly. "Are ya gonna answer 'em?"

Ink shifted uncomfortably. "Do I just... talk?" he asked, feeling awkward.

"Sure!" Dream chirped, "We'll be quite, right guys?" There was a quite murmur of agreement. "See? Go ahead Ink."

"Alright," Ink conceded, taking a sip of his orange vial. He gave an easy smile as the effects of the paint immediately kicked in. He was Ink -calm, confident, and self-assured. "I love drawing. It's a part of me." He chuckled, "Literally."

That was true, the skeleton was mostly made of paint and ink. This being from his unique way of healing himself after battles by painting over the injuries.

Error spoke up, "When all SOMEBODY did was create copies of the AUs because a certain parasite was being greedy, the MultiVerse became unstable. I didn't destroy AUs, I destroyed their copies, stabilizing the MultiVerse. Of course, sometimes a character would escape and-"


Eyelights turned to Gap. He flushed gray. "Sorry, he apologized, "But I thiink you answered that question."

"Moving on then," Ink hurriedly said. "I would say ten out of fifty. What about you Glitchy?'

"Forty-nine, and don't called me that!" Error snapped.

"F-Forty-nine?" Ink stuttered.

"Did I stutter?"

"No..." Ink looked down then looked up with a grim that made a few skeletons uneasy. "You don't completely hate me!" he squealed, throwing his arms aroung Error.

"Get off Squid!" Error screeched, body flaring with painful glitches.

Stain grimaced, tightening his grip on his boyfriend's hand.

Ink quickly stepped back, "Sorry."

Lust spoke for everyone on the next question. Nobody agreed to having him speak for them, but he did it anyways. "I know! They're all so adorable you can't help but love them. Especially my son! He's just so cute! Error and Dust are really missing out."

Stitch flushed, hiding his face in his hands and groaning. "D-Dont say that D-Dad."

"You can't stop me!" Lust chirped, much to the amusment of Ink.

"He's got a point you know?" Ink said, grinning at his adopted son's behaviour.

"Both of you, I swear," Stain chided them, but couldn't help but laugh as Stitch pulled up his hoodie and pulled the strings taut.

Fell slipped the tape out of his pocket, and discreetly tore off a strip. He snuck up behind Blue and... slapped the tape over his mouth. Cackling, he ran off.

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