Dorm Buddies!

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The skeletons had all entered the building, and were now arranged on couches, chairs, the floor, and Error and Stitch had both summoned strings to make hammocks that hung from the ceiling for themselves. The area was surprisingly large, and could comfortably hold a group twice their size. Those that were sitting on the floor did it on their own accord. They were also keeping the group in a circular shape, allowing for an actual group discussion. Time looked at the book he now held in his hands, opened to the cover page. There was a line with the words 'Name of MultiVerse' under it. The book was obviously made for a situation like this.

Time looked up, and upon realizing the others were waiting for him to start, flushed bright blue. "It's asking for the name of the MultiVerse."

That single sentence brought chaos throughout the room as names were suggested and immediately shot down. Then an unfamiliar skeleton with a patch of goop covering one eye spoke up.

"How about AskVerse?"

The room went silent as the suggestion was processed. There was a calming of energy as the majority of the group agreed. Then there was shocked surprise as the fact that nobody had seen the kid before hit them.

"Er... I'm sorry," Outer spoke up. "But... who are you? I'm afraid I don't recognize you, and based on my companions expressions, neither do they.

"Hm? Oh, I'm Anorthite. I appeared here about an hour ago."

The room stilled as THAT information was processed.

"Oh," was all Outer said. He looked embarrassed for a second, then it was gone. "AskVerse it is then!"

Reaper nudged Time, who appeared to be lost in thought. "Hm?" he questioned, looking up. "Oh! Right the name." Taking a pen out of his lab pocket, he quickly wrote 'AskVerse' on the line. Flipping through the book, he noticed there were five floors, each with twenty-six rooms.

'That's a lot', Reaper thought, leaning over Time's shoulder. He voiced his thoughts out loud.

"I know," Time replied, fkipping to room '1-A'. "Who's going to take the first room?"

There was a muttered debate between Stretch and Edge. Apparently Stretch won because he spoke up. "Me and Blue."

Nobody argued.

Time quickly jotted it down and flipped the page. "Room two?"

Edge spoke up. "I'll take it; share it with Short Fell over here." Razz smirked, and made a joke aimed at his height.

Time smiled and shook his head, rolling his eyes before jotting it down "Three?"

The room grew quiet, nobody wanting to speak up. Time sighed, and had Reaper hand him the guest book. Closing his eyes, he put his hand on a random names. "Slim."

Said skeleton looked up. "Yes?"

"You'll be in room three, whose your dorm buddy?"

Slim and Classic shared a look. Classic nodded once. "Classic."

"Alright then," Time jotted it down, and was about to pick the next name before he paused. "If you have been assigned a room you may leave."

The six skeletons stood and made to leave, Classic stopping to give his younger brother a skeleton kiss on the forehead in a show of brotherly affection. He whispered something to him, and Rose nodded in understanding, giving Sans a hug before turning to quietly discuss something with Red.

The next name was Reaper's. "Wanna dorm?" the god asked Time.

"Uh..." Time thought over pros and cons, before deciding there were more pros than cons. "Sure, why not?" Time quickly jotted down their names before flipping the page and looking back to the guest book. "You can leave if you want."

"Okay," Reaper replied, not moving.

Time rolled his eyelights playfully, then picked a new name. "Rose."

"I shall be dorming with Red."

"Okay, Science?"

"He be dorming with me," Fresh said quickly, practically dragging Science away.

'Strange,' Time thought, but didn't comment. "Dadster?"

"Will Gapster, if I may."

Time looked up, surprised that the fatherly figure didn't choose to dorm with a more child-like skeleton. Wait, was Dadster... blushing? "Of course," Time said, looking between the two Gasters as the one who had identified himself as Gapster looked away, face slightly gray from an obvious blush. Timw would have to ask the two if they were together after everyone was accommodated.

Time jotted down their names, flipping the page. "Grey?" Time looked over at the tallest skeleton. Said skeleton was currently picking up Scream bridal style as Scream giggled and put his arms around Grey's neck. Horror was watching the two while trying to hold in his laughter.

"I shall be taking this child and showering him with attention," the Papyrus informed Time.

"Alrighty," Time was about to look back at the guest book, when he remembered the human. "Xhy?"

"I'm taking a room to myself."

"As you wish, Comet?"

"I'll be dorming with Dance."

Time jotted it down. "Cross?"

"Me and Horror will dorm together."

Time smiled, and jotted it down. He picked a new name. It was Night.

The purple clad skeleton looked over, "I'll be will Gothic here."

Goth muttered about that not being his name as Night laughed and said he knew that.


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