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(Youre short like 5 foot even! You're human as far as you know but you have magic and you went to vet school because of your healing power. Your body is curvy and you have a little bit of a tummy but your still pretty flat. Your body confident with your large breasts and hips/butt. You pretty much will have an hourglass shape.)

(Y/n) - your name
(H/c) - hair color
(H/l) or (y/h/l) - hair length or your hair length
(E/c) - eye color
(F/n) - friends name
(F/c) - favorite color

You stare at your bed at the three bathing suits that (f/n) had gave to you as a gift for tonight because you'd been to busy trying to graduate to even think about bathing suit shopping this year. Tonight your going to a special pool party for the graduates of your whole class.

You didn't really want to go, because something felt off about tonight, even though you're supposed to feel super happy and relieved you can't help but feel... off, like something's coming. You snap out of your thoughts and stare at the suits, the first one was a pink one piece with a ruffled short skirt. 'Not really my style.. still kinda cute though.'  You thought with a smile.

The second one was a navy blue and white chevron patterned, one pice with one red bow on each shoulder strap. 'This is pretty but not really party worthy..' you think, as you look to your final choice. You stare at the (f/c) bikini thinking, 'Oh yea! Ya girl is gonna be looking good tonight!' While smiling brightly.

Your pretty confident in your body. You have large breasts and curvy hips as well as a "pretty good ass" according to (f/n). You don't let the fact that your not model skinny bother you, not every guy is attracted to super tall small women, some men like meat on their girls. You giggle at that thought as you slip your suit on as well as a deep red t-shirt and ripped black shorts you paired the outfit with black sandals.

Taking one last look in the mirror while throwing your (h/l) (h/c) hair up into a ponytail, you sigh in approval at yourself and decide your ready. Grabbing your keys and heading out. You previously told (f/n) that you'd meet her there. It's only a ten minute walk to the hotel where the party is, so you lock your door and head out to party with the bad feeling still eating at you. You decide to push it down and try to welcome your new life as a college graduate.

~Time skip~

Rounding the corner of the complex where the party was being held you saw (f/n) waiting just out side the doors. "Hey girl! You ready to get this party started!?" she yelled as she ran towards you with a huge goofy grin and gave you warm hug.  "You know it! Let's hurry up and get some drinks to start this party!" You shouted heading, and going straight to the bar, (f/n) ordered ale while you ordered whiskey on rocks. "Come on (y/n)! Let's dance! Whooooooo!!" (F/n) shouted over the blasting music. Making your way to the dance floor right beside the pool and starting to have fun dancing with our class mates. Some how strangers got into the party too... oh well so much for just graduates.

After about two hours of dancing and non-stop drinks, you ended up in the pool... some how... You knew you were already pretty drunk considering you didn't remember getting in the pool let alone agreeing to dance with some random guy, but you decided since your having fun that you'll just go with it. Even though you'd normally not be so touchy with a stranger.

"(Yyyyyyy/nnnnn) that gu-guyyy overrr there! He'sss star-staring at me! Hahaha he's kiinda hot! Ima go n' sayyyy hi!" (F/n) drunkenly announced. You knew (f/n) was flirty with men anyway and now that she was totally wasted you knew, she was definitely staying at your house tonight because she lived out past town which was a walk she couldn't do right now. 'Ahhhh shit...' you think as she saunters towards the flirty looking male. 'Welp time to down a few more drinks and then hopefully I won't remember if he comes home with us...' you grimaced at the thought, you got out of the pool away from the guy you'd been dancing with to get another drink.

Normally you wouldn't get drunk in public, let alone at a party because you don't trust people, but because your house was close by and you knew most the people here you'd be okay you hoped, besides you had a good alcohol tolerance anyway. You figured that out on your weekends at the tavern called The Boar Hat. You knew the staff there were the legendary seven deadly sins and you were good friends with them, they always commented and or teased you on your sass and hight.... especially the cook, Ban, he was like a brother to you, as well as the owner himself. His name was Meliodas.

You've had about 4 drinks before getting a good buzz and that was 3 drinks ago. You were pretty drunk now, and (f/n) had been wasted since the second drink she had. 'Hehe welp time to down two more and try to get home hopefully before I pass out' you thought, drunkenly. Clear and rational judgment had been thrown out the window two drinks ago, so with that you chug two more drinks, and drag (f/n) away from her drunkly new found guy, then attempt to stagger home.

The last thing you remember is staggering towards your front door with your passed out friend dragging beside you with one arm over your shoulders. You go to unlock your door when suddenly there's a huge rumble causing the ground to shake, and then the feeling of raw dark power sobers you up for a split second. Suddenly a pang of pain shoots above your right hip bone.  'Strange..' you think.

When you snap out of it the world starts to spin and you hurriedly get inside and place your drunk friend on the couch with a blanket and pillow. Then as drag yourself up the stairs to your bed you rub through your shirt where the pain was and realized it was fading. 'Oh well must of bumped into somthin..' you think right before you hit the bed blacking out.

~Third person prov.~

After the spell had been cast to break the seal on the Commandments it shook the earth causing a small earthquake. As the dust settled it revealed a man dressed in red, sword on his left, and a cold expression on his face. His arms were crossed over his exposed toned chest, he had jet black spiked hair and dark eyes with a demons mark above the left one, this made him stand out as the leader of the Commandments. Suddenly he felt a pang if pain go through his mark, he put his hand over it confused as the pain was gone as soon as it was there. He payed no more mind to it as he turned around to the nine demons behind him awaiting command.

~Authors Note~
Hey guys! This is my first published fanfic. I've written a lot before but never published them so you guys tell me if I can do anything better! I know I didn't mention any of the sins really or Commandments yet but they're coming! Don't worry!

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