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   "(Y/n)..." you hear Zeldris faintly in your ears, you to sit up immediately in Bans bed with a start. You look around the still dark room, expecting him to be there, but nothing was there. You sigh and look out the window, 'must be the middle of night,' you think as you roll your eyes and get up walking to the window. You open it, and stare out to the night sky, you feel behind you and find your wings have disappeared. You concentrate on having them back and they appear much to your surprise, 'that was easy,' you think as you climb out the window jumping out.

You glide towards the ground and flap hard sending you above the tavern. You turn and glide back down landing gently on the roof, careful to be quite, so you don't wake anyone. You sit down wings behind you, a cool breeze blows around you, and you shiver a little. You then wrap your wing around you like a cloak warming you. This reminds you of the first night you spent with Zeldris, you sigh sadly heart hurting at the thought of him.

You wonder why you heard him in Bans room, you figure that when you fell asleep drunk that the spell you'd cast on yourself to keep him out of your head and unable to track you faltered a little. You shrugged glad you were almost totally sober and wide awake now. You look to the moon that's slowly moved down in the sky some, 'must be early morning not night then,' you think to yourself.

Your mind wanders back to Zeldris and how he sounded worried when he woke you up. You wondered if this whole thing was a mistake, leaving him suddenly like that. Zeldris was a genuinely good guy when it came to people he cared about, but why wouldn't he tell you something important like that. You would have told him if you had feelings for someone else. You groan rubbing your face laying back on the roof readjusting your wings to cover you still. You stare at the bright stars and you worry what will happen if Zeldris does in fact come here today. Deep down you wanted him to come so you could talk things out, but part of you was heart broken still and angry.

You know Zeldris won't be happy that your here with Meliodas. Your not so worried about Ban because he can't die but Meliodas, demon or not can definitely be killed. Merlin would probably have Gowther and Escanor with her in her lab like always, Diane and King would probably be told to do something by Meliodas to keep them away from Zeldris when he comes.

You knew Ban and Meliodas would be the only ones here today, and you also knew they were probably gonna fight Zeldris for hurting you this way. You decided that you'd hear Zeldris out, at least let him explain to try and avoid a fight between your brothers and Zeldris. You'd hate yourself if Meliodas got hurt because of you.

You sit up again and sit there thinking about everything till you look up to see the sky starting to light up as the sun rises slowly. You breath in the now warm breeze and fold your wings behind you uncovering yourself. It's not until the sun is up enough to illuminate the whole ground and sky in morning warmth that you hear someone knock on Bans door below you. Naturally when you don't answer they open the door, "Um hellooo?" they say.  'Ban' you think with a smile, "Shorty?" He calls again noticing the empty bed. "I'm out here Ban." You call from the roof.

You hear him walk to the window then he climbs out and up on the roof sitting beside you. "What are ya doin' up here so early?" He asks looking out to the risings sun with you. "Couldn't sleep, Zeldris and I can hear each others thoughts and he woke me up last night and hasn't shut up sense. He's worried." You say looking at the now blue sky as fluffy clouds lazily float past. He hums and then asks, "Can he hear you?" he wonders looking to you. You look down, "tsk no, I made sure of that. It's driving him crazy." You say smirking up at Ban, who smirks back shaking his head. "That's my girl, give him hell." He says gently punching your arm playfully.

You smile then look to him seriously, "Ban... I know Merlin, Escanor and Gowther are off  in Merlins lab, so I want Diane and King and Elizabeth sent off till later today. I know they're gonna try and protect me and I don't want them getting hurt. You'll be fine and Meliodas will be too but..." you trail off. He smiles gently, "I got it covered shorty. I already talked to captain about it. Elizabeth isn't even here right now anyway, shes with her father for a few weeks. They won't even know your here till after it's all handled." he tells you. You sigh relieved, "Thank you Ban."

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