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   (Y/n/n) - your nickname

   Your vision was going in and out... the hyperventilating was hell, but you kept hearing Gloxinias reassurance. Your lungs were burning, your eyes were blurry, the pain in your side making it harder to breathe. You tried to breath slowly like Gloxinia told you to but it wasn't working. You then heard running turn to quick steps towards you.

You jumped away under the table and curled up in a ball whispering no's and get away's all the while hyperventilating still. Suddenly someone grabs you, wrapping strong arms around you, hugging you. You can't really see him but you know it's Zeldris. You breath him in trying desperately to calm your rapid breathing, he smells like the wind before a thunder storm and wild cherries, surprisingly soothing to you. You hear his deep voice telling you to breath slowly, to calm down, telling you it's okay.

He continues to hold you giving you soft reassurance until you've calmed down enough to move you, he the gently lifts you effortlessly and carries you to the bed. He's careful of your towel not to expose you at all. Your still crying silently and shaking from the fear. "What happened!?" He snapped at Gloxinia. Gloxinia glared at the door pissed, "Estarossa happened. He tried-... he was holding her up by her wrists when I stopped him." He said angered as he told the rest of the story. You felt Zeldris tense with every word.

"I'll kill him." Zeldris growled so darkly it terrified you as he went to stand, his hand on his sword. "No! No! Don't leave me!" You cried out clinging to Zeldris' arm, tears pouring down your face. The rage you saw in his eyes vanished as he looked into your eyes. "Okay, okay easy. I'm here, I won't go anywhere." He said soothingly grabbing you and hugging you tightly again.

He pulled back only when Gloxinia coughed awkwardly before gesturing to your cloths on the bed. Gloxinia then averted his eyes from you at all costs. Zeldris grabs your cloths and hands them to you as you walk into the bathroom and quickly change before returning to the bedside slightly limping now. You sit on the bed again and Zeldris and Gloxinia both came to stand in front of you. "Alright, let's see the damage now." Gloxinia sighed sadly.

Zeldris' eyes never looked so dark as he saw your bruises that were now forming on your wrists, and you could feel the dark power emanating from around him. You squeezed your eyes shut as you pulled your shirt up enough to see your side. It was a little more bruised if that was even possible, and your wrists were throbbing now that there were dark bruises forming on them. You looked down, as Gloxinia looked at them, and sighed. "Your just bruised thankfully, this just means more rest for you." Gloxinia says, putting a hand on your shoulder sadly.

This makes Zeldris step forward ready to kill at the simple contact. You stand between them quickly and put a hand on his chest, "Whoa Whoa easy. Gloxinia is my friend, okay? He saved me and he won't hurt me. Relax Zeldris..." You say calming him, despite his instincts telling him to murder the fairy. He takes a deep breath and Gloxinia backs away hands up in defense. "Thank you Gloxinia. I guess I'll see you tomorrow.." you say turning to him giving him a light hug. He hesitates but hugs you back lightly. "Anything for my friend." He says gently before floating out of the room leaving you and Zeldris alone. You sigh deeply and walk quickly towards him, grabbing him, and hugging him again for security.

"I'm so sorry (y/n)." He says against your hair as he holds you close. He then picks you up and places you on the bed. He sighs deeply, "Did he- can you tell me what happened exactly." He asks worried that Gloxinia didn't get to you in time. "I got out of the shower.. and I didn't see him I guess. I didn't even hear him come in... I went to the end of the bed to get dressed and he spoke scaring me... he said that he understood now why you were infatuated with me and that I was a prize to behold... and that he wanted to- to..." The tears started welling up again as you start cry.

The Perfectly Imperfect Mark (Zeldris x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now