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   You wake up to Zeldris laying on his back, you using his chest as a pillow still, he has one arm around you and the other on his tummy as he softly snores away. 'He's such a cute little demon isn't he..' you think lightly blushing. As he sleeps you gently sit up careful not to wake the sleeping commandment. You stare at his facial features, admiring how attractive he is with his raven black hair all messy and his face relaxed.

'He looks peaceful' you think as you notice the demons mark above his eye isn't there. 'Strange..' you think and you subconsciously touch the side of his face and your thumb gently runs where it was. He sighs in his sleep leaning into your touch and continues snoring lightly. You smile as you hear a light knock at the door. You gently get up to see who it is. "Yes?" You whisper as you crack the door open. "Good morning lady (y/n). I have brought you and Lord Zeldris breakfast." She said softly.

"Oh okay, bring it in quietly and set it on the table." you say and she brings it in as you requested while you move the papers to the extra chair, stacking them neatly. "Thank you." You whisper and she nods while leaving quietly. You then walk over to a still sleeping Zeldris and gently call his name. He stirs slowly opening his eyes, "Good morning," he says in a deep sleepy voice. You gasp and he looks at you skeptical, "What..?" he askes confused rubbing one eye trying to wake up.

"Your eyes ... they're... so beautiful." You say staring at his beautiful, vibrant emerald green eyes for the first time. Your hand goes to the side of his face again on the left side and you gently rub a thumb under his left eye. "I like them this way.." you say and he blushes lightly at your actions before a another light knock snaps both of you out of the moment. Immediately he wakes up, before getting up and standing beside you. You see his facial features harden as he turned to the door, "Enter." He responds. Your slightly saddened to see that the mark is back above Zeldris left eye and that his dark violet eyes were back when he turned around to face you again.

"Lady (y/n), forgive me I forgot the coffee and orange juice. I apologize for my mistake." The maid says as she enters again, eyes glued to the floor in fear. You smile sweetly and walk over to her, "It's quiet alright, I myself forget a lot too." You say as she places the drinks on the table along with the drinking glasses. She nods slightly as Zeldris steps in, "Dismissed." He says coldly and he closes the door behind her. He turns to look at you visibly relaxed now. "She brought breakfast a few minutes ago.. I didn't wake you immediately because I figured you could use a few more minutes of sleep, you just looked comfortable." You said smiling at him.

"Thank you, you didn't have to do that. I'm supposed to take care of you." He said back and smiled at you, walking to the chair opposite of him, and pulling it out for you, gesturing for you to sit. You blush and take a seat. He pushes you in a little and puts a plate of food in front of you, then walks to the chair across from you, taking a seat with his own plate. You smile at Zeldris, making eye contact every once in a while eating the eggs and fruit happily. "Did you sleep well Zeldris?" You ask after you finish because you don't eat much anyway. He looks up and nods slightly, "For the first time in a long time. I did, and you?"

"I slept well thanks to you." You say smiling, a light blush dusting your cheeks. He looked up once more and just smirked as a reply. You giggled and placed your plate back of the platter that the maid brought in. "So now that I'm awake and alert.. will you have to return to the Commandments and I return home..? Or am I gonna have to stay here now?" You asked wondering about how your day will go. "I don't want you to return home simply because I don't want you in danger, and I don't want you to be that far away from me." He answers as he places his plate on the tray as well making soft eye contact with you.

"So dose that mean I'll be staying here now..?" You ask taking a sip of coffee. "Id definitely feel better if you did, I won't be able to think if your back in town in the middle of battle everyday." He admits as he stands, walking towards you offering a hand to you. You take it and stand as he guides you back to the bed. "Okay." You say confident as you both sit on the edge of the bed.

The Perfectly Imperfect Mark (Zeldris x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now