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   You get up early carful not to wake Zeldris. So you get dressed in a dark red shirt and black ripped jeans. Then you put your hair up in a messy bun as you wait for the maid. When you hear the light knock and you answer it taking the breakfast platter and coffees from her and ask for the books on demons and goddessess. She nods and turns back saying she'd be right back. You have a cup of coffee as you look over the note Merlin left you once more.

The maid returns shortly with multiple books, you take them, thanking her before you sit them down on your side of the table. You then put out the two plates across from each other. You place your coffee beside the plate with your books beside it, and walk to Zeldris' still sleeping form. You lean down and gently kiss his lips, he stirs kissing back and you mumble against his lips, "Good morning my Lord Zeldris."  He smirks and sits up kissing you again deeply, "You'd better watch it calling me that now." he says in a sleepy, husky voice smirking at you, his green eyes shining.

You giggle, "Come on handsome, breakfast is here." You say as you walk back to your seat taking another sip of your coffee. He walks over to his seat and watches you open a book you picked up off the stack. "What are those?" He asks as he sips his coffee and takes a bite of eggs. You take a bite of toast and say, "Merlin said I have the potential to be more powerful than all you Commandments combined. So I'm reading up on what I can actually do." Your respond eyes not moving from the book. He hums approvingly amused by your concentration and continues eating.

You finish eating as you finish the first book and set it down, then you place your plate on the platter and sigh. You get up, refill your coffee, grab another book and walk to Zeldris who just finished his plate. You put it on the platter with yours and then kiss him on the cheek. "I could get used to this." He admits watching you walk towards the chair beside the window to the left of the bed. "What do you mean?" you ask sitting in the chair that faces the rest of the room including Zeldris at the table still. "I mean you. All this just feels so right." He says his green eyes gazing into your (e/c) ones from across room. You smile at this, "That's because it is right. We're meant to be remember."

He chuckles and rises, "I'm gonna go shower okay? Holler if you need me love." He says gently. "Alright babe." You say starting your second book. The first book was on goddesses and it stated that their extremely powerful magic wise. Healing and ark are the best. You make a mental note to practice how to do ark later. It says it can be fatal to demons, as well as trying healing them can burn them and/or make the injury worsen. It mentioned that demons and goddesses were never meant to mix, like oil and water, total opposites. You shift in your chair and cross your legs under you, thinking about multiple things as the maid comes in to gets the platers again.

You wonder why and how you were even able to be alive if that was the case as the maid leaves. The second book was on demons, it said that demons were known to be animalistic and ruthless. Their physical strength as well a magical attacking moves are what made them superior worriers. They were well respected and feared for this, then the war broke out and the demons were sealed away. As you read on you decided to ask Zeldris later to start training to become a powerful worrier, even though you were already more powerful than the average holy knight.

Zeldris emerges from the bathroom in a towel only after a while, and you look up from your book, then right back down pretending not to see him. You smirk, "Are you trying to seduce me? I mean, look at your sexy ass." You say smirking slyly still not looking up from your book. Your book is suddenly pushed down a little to reveal Zeldris right in front of you. You raise an eyebrow, "What are you a ninja too?" You ask sarcastically, because of his sudden appearance in front of you when he was just across the room. He chuckles, "No, not a ninja, just sneaky."

The Perfectly Imperfect Mark (Zeldris x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now