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Hello everyone! It's Christine.

Thank you for tuning into Fanfiction.
Before you start reading, there may be a few things you need to remember:

📍 This book marks an entirely different era in both my writing style and my confidence in writing, so if you've read all the messy, disheveled piles of crap that I've written before, I just want to say sorry that you had to go through that, and props to you for actually making it this far.

📍 This story might cause hallucinations, (also known as daydreaming so hard about X1, you forget it's fanfiction), excessive giggling and screaming like a psychopathic maniac, lots of ugly crying and maybe even a pinch of heartbreak. You may also suffer from the UWU Syndrome, characterized by inhumane squealing and frequent kicking at your bedsheets. But nonetheless, enjoy.

📍 All of my side or post- notes will be in bold.

📍 This is purely a work of fiction. All the ideas, settings, content and opinions are based off of the author's brain and any plagiarism or infringement will be penalized.

Thanks again, and enjoy reading! ♡



"Solutions before conclusions, especially in love, because the more you convince yourself that the feelings are gone, the more you realize they're never going away

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"Solutions before conclusions, especially in love, because the more you convince yourself that the feelings are gone, the more you realize they're never going away."

"From my mind to pen, pen to paper, paper to you, you to love."

START: AUG 11, 2019
END: -

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