Day 12; Rescue mission

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~Rose's POV~

Day 12, I think to myself as I see the sun rise through one of the cracks in the boarded up windows. He drove me for hours somewhere, I hear absolutely NOTHING outside, and I've only been eating the mints I have in my pocket. This place is hell. It's got rotting wood, it smells like Louis' bathroom on our Taco nights, (poor Del) and I'm tied up with steel that cuts into my wrists when I move. Everyday at what I think is noon, he comes in and does things to me, whatever he thinks of that day. Some days it's beatings, one day he tried to eat my toe, and most of the time it's rape. I lost my v-card to him, I wanted my first to be special. I want to go back home, and eat without giving a fuck with Niall. I miss him so much. I miss everyone so much. I wonder how Dani is doing, she's around 6 months now. I wonder if they even are looking for me.

~Niall's POV~

"We've got some sort of electronic signal coming from the woods about two hours away. There's an abandoned house up there. MOVE BOYS!" The SWAT Team officer shouts at the team. They all run out and the lads and I pile into our Molly Mobile. We named her. Sue us. A glimmer of hope ticked inside of me, we might actually find Rose. Dani and Lilah are at the hospital right now, Louis was Del build the changing station, and nailed her finger into it. They're such a great couple. The ride dragged on forever, but we came to a hault.

"You boys stay here." The officer told us, as he went and they got in their positions.

"NO! I'm going in there with you guys. Please. I love her," I told the police dude, and he tossed me a vest. Johns head then popped through the window.

"You want Rose? I'll give her to you." He said, running back, and then the most gut wrenching scream came from that room, and her body was tossed from the window. She wasn't moving at all. Then I noticed something.

There was a knife in her stomach, and a bite from her arm.

~Rose's POV~

He walked back towards me and bit me. Ow! Fuck! But I had to stay strong. But then a searing pain came from my lungs, and I was gasping for just half a breath. I screamed in pain, and then everything went black.

A Rose Is Delicate (Sequel to Hey There Delilah [Louis Tomlinson Love Story])Where stories live. Discover now