Welcome to New York

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~Louis's POV~

I sighed as I heard the usual voicemail of Delilahs phone. I've been ringing her everyday but on the second ring it goes to voicemail. She doesn't want to talk to me. I put my phone in my pocket and continued walking. But I bumped into somebody, knocking them over.

"Oh sorry, wait! Cher?" I asked.

"Louis!" She said. I gave her a hug. Cher Lloyd, I haven't heard from her since X Factor!

"How's things been?" She asked, giving me a smile.

"Just got out of a relationship, pretty rough. And you? Your so grown you look amazing!" I said to her. She smiled.

"I could say the same about you! And same, I thought he was really the one..." Cher said, biting her lip.

"Can I buy you a drink? Starbucks is just down there." I said to her, she was always good to talk to. She was like a sister to me.

"Sure!" She grinned.


"I think you should go to her. You can't live without her, obviously, and she can't live withou you, by the looks you gave eachother in public." She told me, sipping her latte. I shot her a confused look.

"I had seen all of the magazines." She replied. I nodded, and my phone started to buzz. It was Liam.

"Hello?" I asked him. Why would he be calling me at 7:30 at night?

"Louis?!" A panicked Liam asked.


"Can you come down to the hospital?! Danielle's gone into labour!" He exclaimed.

~Danielle's POV~


Liam and I were snuggling on the couch, watching she's the man. I laughed as Amanda Bynes talked about Gouda to Duke. Suddenly a pain shot through my stomach. I winced and Liam noticed.

"You okay babe?" He asked worried. This was nine months and he wouldn't let me leave his sight I case something happened.

"Dani...why is the cushion wet?" He said, looking terrified and pale. Another pain passed through me.

"Liam, my water just broke! I'm going into labour!"

~Delilahs POV~

My phone buzzed, it was Rose.

"Jim's Pizza. Whaddup?" I asked her, while watching Shes the Man on tv.

"You need to fly down here, NOW!" She said.

"What? Why?!" I said, feeling energized now. I turned on my laptop to search flights. This sounded urgent.

"Danielle is having her babies!" She said.

"JESUS!" I screamed. I grinned. I can't believe it's been nine months, already 3 months since I left. I haven't heard from or seen any of the boys, and I wanted it that way.

"Okay, a flight leaves in two hours, ill be there as soon as I can!" I said, hanging up. This would be a long flight, knowing one of my bet friends was in labour.

~Louis's POV~


"Come in." I heard Liam call. The doctor came out telling us the babies were born. The five of us walked in. Danielle and Liam were both holding two pink bundles.

"Girls." I whispered, and we all walked towards them.

"Suckers!" Harry whisper shouted, since the babies were asleep. We looked over to see Niall and Zayn paying Harry money.

"You idiots made a bet?" Rose laughed, along with Danielle.

"So, names?" Zayn asked.

"This is Delilah Alyssa Payne." Danielle gestured to the baby in her arms. Sadness washed over me that she was named Delilah, and I would have to hear it forever now, knowin it was after my one true love.

"And this is Rosetta Aleah Payne." Liam said, talking about the girl in his arms. Rose started to cry, hearing her name as the second babies name.

"We always figured you and Delilah were secretly twins." Harry joked to Rose. She laughed.

"And what about godparents?" I asked.

"Well, we want Niall and Rose to be Rosetta's..." Danielle said.

"Yes!" They both said, and kissed. They had been dating for about a month now.

"And Erm, Louis, we want you and Del to be Delilahs godparents..." Liam said.

"Did I hear my name?" A voice called opening the door.

Oh my god.

A Rose Is Delicate (Sequel to Hey There Delilah [Louis Tomlinson Love Story])Where stories live. Discover now