Chapter 12 : Fading Into The Darkness

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A/N : Guys, here's a request. Before you start reading a chapter (not only this, but others that you read too), please do see the media above as well. Because the SwaSan pic that I always put in the media above relates a lot to the chapter and is ninety nine percent like a pic from the chapter.

Happy reading! ❤

~*~ CHAPTER 13 ~*~

As Swara bombarded Sanskar with questions regarding the condition of her mother, he prepared himself to speak up and she waited while holding her breath.

"Swara, your mother... she is fine. Thankfully, the operation is successful. Your mom is out of danger."

'Out of danger' these were the words Swara had wanted to hear from Sanskar. She knew, she freaking knew her Maa had to be safe. And now...

And now that her mother was finally declared to be safe, Swara couldn't help but allowing her tears to flow from her eyes... once again. She just heard... that her mother was fine. She couldn't have asked for anything else.

Honestly, she didn't understand herself how she felt right now. Happy, about her Maa being safe and finally out of danger; or sorrowful, for her mother for being put in this life threatening condition in the first place. All of it shouldn't even had happened at all.

But she knew for one thing... the heaviness and fear of losing her mother that she was carrying on her shoulders for almost seven to eight hours seemed to be getting off her.

Swara closed her eyes and let out a sharp sigh of relief, internally thanking Durga Maa for listening to her. She joined her hands and thanked her for saving her mother.

Her Maa was safe! She was fine!

"Thank god!" Swara sobbed slowly that turned heavier and she was immediately side hugged by Anushka, who seemed to be equally relieved. And she broke down again.

With the thought that just few hours ago, her Maa was fighting for her life. And now... she was finally fine.

"Aunty is safe, Swara." Anushka pacified her. "Now you don't have to worry."

"Yes, you are right." Rajat nodded his head smiling. "But you know, we did have some ups and downs between the surgery though. But with a doctor as brilliant as Sanskar around in such a critical operation... you know, nothing can go wrong." he admired Sanskar and he half heartedly nodded his head. Swara's incessant tears bothered him more at the moment.

"Swara, actually, she is safe. But amidst the accident and then this surgery, she has gone through an excessive blood loss. And her body has to cope up with it as soon as possible. The only way for her to survive this heavy blood loss is blood transfusion. We have asked for necessary supplies from our blood bank and thankfully since her blood group is not rare, we can easily arrange for a quick blood transfusion." Sanskar explained.

"B-Blood transfusion?" She uttered worriedly and Sanskar nodded his head in a yes.

"The only thing is this might turn out to be a long process for her because she has had blood loss from many parts of her body. So, she's again going to be shifted to the ICU from the OT room."

"And then?" she whimpered. "She will be okay, right?"

Sanskar nodded his head. "Yes Swara, she will. We just have to take care of her. Blood transfusion -- to be very honest -- can be a very painful process in her case."

The thought of her mother going through so much pain once again made her knees weak.

"Along with blood getting filled in her body, she might experience some symptoms like fever or else shortness of breath," he told her truthfully. He knew Swara had every right to know about her mother's status even if it would hurt her. "We just don't have to let her fever reach her brain. We also need to make sure that her vitals are good enough. And just to ensure her well being, she's going to be put in intensive care unit, and I'll be the one looking out for her. Otherwise, she is fine, Swara, I can promise you that." He assured her again..

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