Feverish Love - Fluff

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"He has what?!" Bakugo queried, gritting his teeth at Kirishima. It was near the end of the school day with only one class left: math. The ash-blond already wasn't in a good mood because of it. Now the news Kirishima portrayed pissed him off even more.

"Todoroki caught a fever so he was sent to his dorm room early. I thought you should know since you're always around him. I wouldn't be surprised if you two were—"

"SHUT UP, SHITTY HAIR! WE'RE NOT DATING, I DON'T EVEN FUCKING CARE ABOUT HIM!" Bakugo pushed passed Kirishima and stormed out of the school to the dorms. He couldn't believe Todoroki would get sick! The kid should rely on his health more than he takes it for.

That fucking Icyhot bastard is a fucking idiot for getting himself sick! At least he's giving me a reason to skip math class...

Bakugo trudged along the halls to the elevator, pressing the fifth-floor button and crossing his arms in anticipation. There was no music playing in the elevator like in movies. Just silence met the ash-blond's ears.

A ding signaled the fifth floor was reached. Bakugo marched out through the open doors and towards the second-to-last door—Todoroki's room. He didn't even bother to knock and tried to open the door, only to find it locked.

What the fuck, why is it locked?

Bakugo pushed on the door again, but it didn't budge. He decided to knock harshly on the wooden door, "Open the fuck up, Icyhot!"

There was a temporary shuffle behind the door before the clinking of a lock caused the door to open. Todoroki wore an orange jacket with a red shirt underneath and black pants. A white washcloth laid across his forehead under his hair.

"Yeah? Is there something you need?" His voice sounded hoarse and ragged. "Can we make it quick? I'm very tired." He rubbed his eyes and yawned, staring at the flaming ash-blond.

Bakugo pushed Todoroki aside and entered his room, closing the door and locking it behind him. He clasped a firm hand on the two-toned male's wrist and dragged him to the futon. Todoroki sat with his legs draped over the side and his hands in his lap. Bakugo took off the cloth from Todoroki's forehead and presented it to him.

"Make ice and put it in the rag," the ash-blond ordered, his eyebrows furrowed. "Quickly."

The younger student hesitated but complied, making and placing three ice cubes onto the rag. Bakugo wrapped the ice cubes and pushed Todoroki down onto the futon, covering his body with a fluffy brown blanket before sitting next to him.

"What are you doing?" Todoroki asked, giving Bakugo a sideways glance. He held the wrapped ice cubes in his hand, a spark flying from the hand until water dripped from his hand and onto the floor. After the ice cubes melted, the ash-blond placed the cloth on Todoroki's forehead. Instantly the cold cloth relaxed the tall boy, closing his eyes before looking at his boyfriend. "Thank you. I know I could've done that myself, but I don't feel very well to use my Quirk."

"Shut up and sleep," Bakugo demanded, adjusting the covers on his mate. "Get well for me so I can leave."

Even if it saddened him to hear it, Todoroki obeyed and closed his eyes, not realizing how tired he really was before falling fast asleep. Bakugo found himself surprised at how quickly he crashed.

His face is very red and sweaty. Is his fever really bad?

The ash-blond leaned closer to the unconscious male, noticing heavy amounts of sweat building on his forehead. His breathing was long and ragged. Bakugo began to worry about his boyfriend.

"Shoto...hey, Shoto." Bakugo shook the sick boy's shoulder. He groaned and fluttered his eyes open before tilting his head to look at the ash-blond. He hummed in response. "I need you to come with me. Don't ask any fucking questions and just trust me." He pulled Todoroki out of bed and unlocked the door, speeding towards the elevator. Once the doors closed, Bakugo nearly broke the Ground floor button, the elevator descending with a few creaks.

Todoroki's grip felt weak in the ash-blond's hand. Taking a quick glance, Bakugo noticed Todoroki sway before leaning his head against his chest, breathing heavily. Panic rose in the older male's mind as he tried to help Todoroki stay awake.

"Sorry..." he mumbled, pushing off Bakugo and leaning against the elevator wall. Something sent a sharp pang in the ash-blond's heart as the heat emitting from Todoroki left.

Without thinking, Bakugo pinned his partner to the wall, kissing him delicately like his lips were fragile. Their breaths mingled, hot and warm, as they continued their kiss before pulling away.

"You need medicine," Bakugo stated as the elevator dinged and opened its doors. The two slid out and walked to a closet. Todoroki hugged himself as the ash-blond shuffled around inside the closet before pulling out a bottle of medicine and closing the closet door. "Go ahead and take a pill. There are cups in the cabinets and water from the sink you can use. I'll wait by the elevator for you so don't take too long." Todoroki nodded and took the pill from Bakugo's hand, heading into the kitchen and running water into a cup before dropping the pill and downing the water. He sat the cup near the sink and walked back to Bakugo, giving his best smile that he could manage.

"Ready?" Bakugo asked. Todoroki nodded and followed his mate into the elevator, leaning his head against Bakugo's chest. "When you're better, I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to attend classes."

"I look forward to that," Todoroki said with a slight smile. Once the elevator doors opened, the two lovebirds headed back to their room. Bakugo tucked Todoroki in, sliding in too and spooning the other. He didn't care if he got sick. The ash-blond would rather enjoy the warmth Todoroki secreted than endure a boring hour of math class.

Todoroki buried his head into Bakugo's chest, the wet cloth making the older male shiver as it was pressed against his skin. Bakugo quickly pecked the younger student's hair, spending some time separating the red and white.

The two-tone glanced up at Bakugo, smiling and drawing in for a deep kiss. He found it helped his headache, but Todoroki also enjoyed Bakugo's taste in his mouth, their tongues dancing and exploring different areas within their mouths.

They pulled apart, a yawn escaping their mouths as they snuggled up to one another, falling asleep until the rise of tomorrow shone through the curtains.

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