Bathroom Sex (TodoBottom) Part 2

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Do you consider yourself a top, bottom, both, or neither?


Bakugo was playing in the garden once again, sitting near the foxgloves and marigolds as bees, butterflies, and faeries roamed around, trying to annoy him with their buzzing and twinkling.

"Buzz off!" he hissed, swatting away a faery as the creature huffed and gathered around a different patch of flowers. "I don't care if this is your home, it's mine now!" Bakugo plucked a foxglove, angering the one thousand faeries that lived in the foxgloves as they shouted insults at him, using magic to flick dirt and grime onto the werewolf. "The hell?!"

"Bakugo!" Todoroki shouted, marching over to the werewolf as fairies complained to the vampire. "Wh—Bakugo, I explained this multiple times! This garden isn't for playing in! Just...ugh..." Todoroki rubbed his temple. "...apologize to the faeries and get in the bath. You're dirty again and I'm really not in the mood to be dealing with this shit."

Bakugo growled but did as asked, sitting up and flicking dirt at Todoroki, who glared at him and flicked the werewolf on the forehead.

"Hey! You bastard, that hurt! Do you wanna die?!" Bakugo hissed, grabbing Todoroki by the collar and slamming him against the castle wall.

The vampire rolled his eyes, "You know you won't carry out your threat. Right now, you need a bath, and since you decided to flick dirt at me, I'll need one, as well."

The werewolf growled in his throat, pulling Todoroki towards him until their lips met in a rough manner, "Then I guess you'll be taking one with me."

"Remember last time when we both took a bath?" Todoroki recalled, his eyes narrowed. "Your horny ass decided it needed sex so badly and we ended up fucking in the bath. Are you planning on doing that again? Because I'm not in the mood."

The ash-blond licked his lips, running a hand up Todoroki's blazer and shirt, "I'm sure I can change your mind. I wasn't gonna do anything before, but now that you mentioned our fun last time, I'm looking forward to seeing your lewd face~" Bakugo ground his knee in between the vampire's legs, earning gags and boos from the faeries in the garden. "Shut up, you overgrown bugs!"

Todoroki sighed, "Fine, but only because I'm dirty and I need to take a bath."

"You may get clean on the outside, but I'm gonna mess you up in the inside, so prepare to be broken beyond fixing, you vamp bastard!"


"You like riding me, don't you?" Bakugo queried, gripping the latter's ass and squeezing, earning a moan from the vampire as he tightened around his shaft.

Todoroki stayed silent, his face flushed as he secured his arms around the werewolf's neck, kissing Bakugo roughly before releasing a loud outburst of pleasure that echoed off the walls.

"G-Go faster, you ass," Todoroki hissed, the water splashing and soaking his hair. "If you want to please me then do it better."

Bakugo growled, his ears flat against his head as he violently thrusted upwards, pressing something deep inside Todoroki that caused him to gasp and clench tightly onto the latter's member.

Water splashed out of the tub from the two's heated session, Bakugo adding two fingers into the vampire with his shaft still inside. He stretched Todoroki out, smacking his ass until Bakugo felt a wave of heat flush over his face, smashing his lips on the two-tone's and bucking his hips.

"Your rut started, d-didn't it?" Todoroki stuttered, panting as the ash-blond werewolf ignored him and continued thrusting into him at an inhumane speed. "Shit... Bakugo, I'm nearing my limit."

Bakugo bit the vampire's shoulder to ease his rut and overstimulation, drawing blood as Todoroki gasped and moaned from the pain, laying his head on the ash-blond's shoulder.

"I wanna change position," Bakugo stated, stopping his movement. "Lean over the rim and bring your hips up."

Todoroki nodded, getting off Bakugo and leaning over the rim on his arms, kneeling with his hips out for the werewolf to ravage, "Like this?"

"Perfect. It'll be able to penetrate deeper now." Bakugo lined himself up and slammed into Todoroki, earning a scream of bliss and pleasure while Bakugo straddled his hips, pounding into him with his tail wagging excitedly behind him, spraying loose water from his fur. "Spread your legs farther, Icyhot. I'm almost there."

Todoroki did as asked, his prostate slammed into as he muffled his scream by biting his hand, his fangs sinking in as he coped with the pain to endure his lewd outbursts.

"Let your voice out, damn it! I'm not fucking you only for you to conceal your voice!" Bakugo grabbed a handful of the younger one's hair, pulling his head back enough so he no longer had his mouth covered. "There, now let me hear you!"

"Bakugo, I sound w—" Todoroki's breath hitched as he came without warning, exhaling and holding his breath as his mate continued to pound into him. "B-Bakugo, I came already..."

The werewolf pulled all the way out before slamming in, cumming into his lover and riding it out as he moaned low in his throat, laying over Todoroki, "Fuck..."

"My ass is numb, are you happy now?" the two-tone growled, panting as Bakugo pulled out and embraced him from behind. "I won't be able to walk again for a day thanks to you."

"Anything for you, bastard. Now get dressed so I can strip you later. My stomach's growling and I need some ass soon." Bakugo smirked and kissed Todoroki's neck, leaving a dark hickey for the servants and maids to see later on. "I think yours is the ripest on the market~" He squeezed the vampire's ass, earning a squeak from the latter as they got out of the tub and drained it, Bakugo having to support Todoroki.

"I almost loathe the thought," Todoroki mumbled, slipping on a fresh pair of pants, shirt, blazer, and tie. "If you didn't go so hard on me, then maybe I would look forward to the future fucks you'll give me."

Bakugo chuckled, slipping on his jacket and boots while Todoroki sat on the rim of the bath, waiting, "You're just jealous you have to make effort to be horny while I get a free trial for a week every month." He drew Todoroki in for a heated kiss, picking him up bridal-style. "Let's head to the bedroom, okay? I'll call for dinner to be brought to us."

The vampire wrapped his arms around the werewolf's neck, smiling, "Let's skip dinner for today. After all, yours is in your arms~"

"You son of a bitch, I'm in."

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