Challenge - Fluff

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Just FYI that because I haven't written in a while and cannot find the requested comment for this chapter, I don't remember exactly what the requester wanted so I'm very sorry if I didn't include everything that was requested!

Also, I gravely apologize for my absence. I just recently got a job and school's a bitch so I hope you all understand! :D


Bakugo had eavesdropped on a small conversation the Bakusquad held. He wasn't trying to-frankly, he wanted to ignore them and maybe blow Kaminari's face off, but at the mention of the ever-stoic Todoroki Shoto's name, he couldn't help but lean in, listening.

"No, I'm telling you! I've never seen Todoroki cry ever!" Kaminari exclaimed, his hands bunched into fists as the others nodded to his statement. "I mean, even during the fight with Stain, he never shed a tear! It's like he's a robot or something! I bet nobody can make the Peppermint Prince cry!"

Kirishima hummed, recalling his times with Todoroki, "Yeah...I don't think I've seen him shed a single tear since I've known him. Do you think he can't? Maybe the cause of that scar on his face singed his tear duct and he can't cry. Aw, man, that would be horrible! Todobro doesn't deserve something like that to happen to him!"

Ashido and Sero shook their heads, ideas waiting to sprout from their mouths.

"I bet he's a robot!" Ashido exclaimed, earning a nod from Sero. "Think about it! He never shows any emotion besides that blank expression, never cries, doesn't laugh...he's definitely a robot! Nobody can make him express an emotion, let alone cry! It's impossible!"

Bakugo grinned, snapping his book closed before hoisting himself off the couch and starting to the elevator, thinking if nobody is willing to try and break that damn façade from that bastard's face, the Almighty Bakugo is the one to do it. He'll prove to those idiots that Todoroki has emotions, whether he has to do it the hard way or not.


A harsh knock on the door took Todoroki's attention from his studies, cleaning up his desk before sliding from out of his kotatsu and towards the door, where Bakugo stood pissed through the peephole.

"...Bakugo?" Todoroki queried, opening his door wide while smoke sizzled from his clenched palms, a frown etched in his face. "Did I do something wrong?"

Bakugo loathed how straight-faced the bastard was. Not even an eyebrow raise to his sudden appearance, "You're gonna spar with me. Downstairs in ten minutes, no Quirks. Only physical strength. If you're not down there by then, I'll personally kick your ass and hand it to your mother."

Todoroki blinked, "...Okay? Why the sudden-" Bakugo's explosions out heard his question as the ash-blond marched back to the elevator, clearly pissed by having to be in the same presence as Todoroki. Nothing unusual for him, Todoroki supposed.

He ventured back into his room for a change of clothes: sporting a simple black T-shirt and shorts before exiting his room and heading towards the direction Bakugo ran off to.


Bakugo wasn't the patient type, especially when the circumstances emitted for him to prove something so trivial about the bastard he rightfully claimed as his rival.

He waited a few minutes in Gym Gamma, impatiently stretching his limbs and popping bones to keep his anger at bay. After all, he wanted his pent-up anger to at least prove Todoroki had emotions, and he didn't care what emotion that was.

To his dismay, Todoroki had finally made it to Gym Gamma with a towel thrown over his shoulder and a water bottle in hand, acting as though this was a regular sparring session and not one where Bakugo would destroy his poker face and watch him keel.

"Hurry up, bastard!" Bakugo hissed, his palms growing warmer as his Quirk threatened to pop and crackle in anticipation and irritation. "We're sparring until one of us is pinned, and I don't care how long it takes as long as you don't chicken out!"

Todoroki didn't falter under Bakugo's stare as he set down his towel and water bottle on a bench, only irritating the blond even more, "At most I can do an hour. My old man wants me home for the weekend and I'd rather not be late." His deep voice somehow managed to irritate Bakugo even more. "Safeword?"

Bakugo scoffed, "We don't need something like that! I'll show you mercy when I feel you've been pinned! Prepare to lose, Icyhot bastard! Give me all you got!" He bent his knees, a devilish smirk across his face as Todoroki broke into stance, waiting for his signal. "Don't wait for me to tell you! Just go!"

Todoroki huffed but took off from the ground, ducking a rather powerful attempted punch and swept Bakugo's legs, who quickly recovered before he was pinned. Bakugo threw more punches, kicks, and sweeps of the leg to off-balance his opponent, but Todoroki was swift and quick to dodge followed by his own attack. It tired the two out until an opening let Bakugo take out a leg and drive an elbow down Todoroki's back, digging into his spine.

Todoroki grunted under the pressure, tapping the ground twice, "Alright, I'm pinned, Bakugo. Let me go. We can try again before I have to leave."

Bakugo growled, not realizing he had applied more pressure to Todoroki's back until he heard a pop followed by a strangled gasp, which forced his attention to the building tear Todoroki had tried to cover up but failed.

He quickly released his hold on Todoroki as the other simply laid there, not attempting to sit up as he focused on breathing through the pain of his spine popping.

"I said to let go..." he hissed through his teeth, slowly sitting up as his back popped again, earning grit teeth and furrowed brows. "You could've dislocated my spine if you pressed any more. What the hell, Bakugo?"

Bakugo rolled his eyes, trying to make it seem like he meant it and not on purpose, but the proof of Todoroki having emotions didn't necessarily make the guilt he felt any less as Todoroki used ice to cool his back and lessen the ache.

"You pissed me off, okay? I didn't mean to press so hard but you're really hard to tolerate when you keep that stupid blank face on," Bakugo sneered, standing up and popping his shoulder blades while Todoroki kept his place on the ground. He rolled his eyes and offered a hand to Todoroki, who narrowed his eyes in a puzzled way before slowly taking the ash-blond's offered hand, hoisting himself up and holding his breath at the dull ache in his spine.

Todoroki suddenly felt a hand on his back followed by a low heat emitting from it, soothing the pain as Todoroki glanced at Bakugo, who avoided his gaze with a small dust of pink to his nose, "Bakugo?"

"Just shut up and go to your old man," Bakugo growled, his words holding no malice as he felt Todoroki lean against this hand, chasing the warmth. "We can spar some other time. And maybe I won't go so hard..."

Todoroki kept silent before slowly nodding his head, "Yeah, sure. Sunday before school?"

"Six AM sharp," he added."



Hope it's okay for you all! Please show your generosity and I'll see you all in the next chapter! :D

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