Page Three

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None Like Mum: My Mother.

My mother,
My super mother.

You're the best one can ever have,

Even if you might at times be too disciplined and tough.

In the world of ink, No amount can portray my admiration for you.

Yet, my words are not enough to describe the dept of your love.

It's immeasurable, irrepresentable.

My lovely mother.

The one and only who can never be replaced.

Maami, Mama, Mummy, Ummi, Momma, Umma, Mother.
You're the best, better than the rest.

My mother,
My first teacher.

My first love and first lover.
Your love for me is true and pure, just like the one above.

You're my lady worrior, My Guidian Angel,
My best friend, My champion, My role model.

Still, if I'm in the most secured band protected place in the world,
You always have a high opinion about my safety.

My mother,
Sweeter than any other.
You alone understands the reason why I cry, the reason why I'm sad.

The cause why I took the steps I had.
And you do not rest until you find a way to solve it.

Yet, you always find a reason to put on my face a smile.

You love is innocent, It's nontoxic and irresistible.
It's trustworthy and reliable.

Mother, never leave me,

For you are my way to go further.

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