The sun in the day,
The moon in the night.
Each gives us in turn,
The gift of it's light.***
The sun's smile vanishes,
The shadow creeps.
We await our first meal,
The rain brings joy.
It's flood brings wailings,
We call for rain.
Sour oranges, Dry season,
A hungry stomach.
Butterfly dotted patterns,
On black skin, Heat rashes.***
O shiny sun.
Sparkling in the air upon the cold earth.
Like a diamond to the eyes.The burning sun
Scorns not the sightless
God created thunder
To warn the blind of rain***
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Poems We Are Fighting For (Completed)
Poetry*** Poems We Are Fighting For *** Poems are about observing the world with and around us. A poem can be anything: from love to loss, from the rusty gate at the old farm to your lovely parents at home. This consists of poems you can be proud to meet...