Let's notice the elephant in the room. One of the hardest and most important things to do when writing your story is creating and naming your characters.
Everyone wants a cool new name, but don't overcomplicate it. It isn't fun to read a book about a character whose name you don't know how to pronounce.
Honestly the best way is to go to baby name sites, pinterest, name generators, etc. They have given me the most help.
Also, keeping a list of possible names on hand is really helpful. I have a notes section on my phone for that exact purpose. I use it all the time.
No one wants their character names to look like IKEA furniture. I mean seriously. I'm pretty sure you could summon a demon if you say those names.
Babble.com has a lot of great name choices. So does pinterest. The internet is your best bet for this.
Also, a good way to find dystopian names is to say normal names with food in your mouth. It sounds similar, but certain letters change. Oreos, mac n' cheese, you name it.
You can also just add and subtract letters to names that you already like to create entirely new names. You could also use items that you find around the house for this purpose as well. Interstate signs, brand names, corporate names, etc. Things that would have survived whatever disaster your characters are involved in.
Writing Tips &Tricks
Non-FictionThis is where I will publish all of my most helpful tips and advice for writing along with my own experiences as a writer and an occasional character profile, describing how I go about writing those characters. I hope that this helps you become mo...