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"Sir Hatchet? What on Earth is he doing here?"

All us former contestants exchanged a puzzled look, not one of us having a clue as to why our former Total Drama co-host was present in our auditorium. I brought my gaze up to catch's my brother's eye, the same perplexion found in his, as well as my partner and Sir Mike when I looked their way. The show was over, Chris McLean had been arrested, what in Mary's name was taking place right now?

Much to my relief, the lot of us were far from the only ones confused on the matter, as a murmur had commenced circling the crowd of students. Everyone seemed to have the same thoughts at the moment, namely who was this man, where did they know him from, and why was he here?

We did not have to wait much longer for the answers, thankfully, as the intimidatingly built chef approached the microphone our headmaster had been using, and tapped it a few times. He coughed into his hand, glancing down at a paper he was holding, "Hello, students of . . . insert school name here!"

A light chuckle rose from the audience, and with a sneer, Chef immediately ditched the papers and returned to his form of speaking. "Alright, listen up," he barked, quickly silencing whatever noise was going on, "I don't have any time for this script crap, so I'm just gonna say it as it is. Some of you maggots are old catapult fodder from Total Drama, and I'm here to collect you on Chris's orders."

Cameron and I snapped our heads towards each other in mutual concern, along with the crowd's murmur beginning again. Chef was far from allowing it and screamed into the microphone once more, "SHUT YOUR MOUTHS UP! I know some of you losers are in this cluster of idiot teenagers, and if I call your name, you will get your sorry butts up here or you will wish you had, capiche?"

The auditorium fell silent, Sir Hatchet's relentless gaze peering across the entire audience as he bent down to grab the papers he had discarded. He scanned them all in the blink of an eye, tossing all but the last one right into the crowd, glaring down at it intently.

"Alright, so we got . . . "

"Weird spiky-haired kid," I glanced over at Sir Mike, who gulped knowing full well that CHef meant him. He looked back at us before getting up from his seat as the school population remained silent out of fear.

"Bubble nerd," he announced next, and I felt Cameron grab my arm from the volume of his voice. I placed a hand on his shoulder, silently beckoning him to go up to avoid his wrath, which he reluctantly did, standing next to Mike on the stage.

"Muscle-brained athlete," was his next former competitor, and it wouldn't take much thinking to come up with who that was. The idiot in question, who sat on the opposite side of the auditorium from where my friends and I resided, took a moment to come out. If I had to hazard a guess, one of his equally brainless teammates had to tell him he was up, and once he knew, Lightning sprinted up from his seat hollering like the person he was.

Sir Hatchet was less than amused at it, far from my surprise, and crumpled the paper into a ball. I assumed that was the end of it, bringing my gaze towards my brother, but I was rapidly proven wrong. The dark-skinned ex-missionary pursed his lips while scanning the audience again, breaking the tense silence by uttering a final 'name'.


That just happened to be a normal name, my name.

I felt a shiver through my nerves, and my expression went from plain to outright petrified for a split second. Brick held a similar shock, but quickly pat my shoulder and urged me up, which I obeyed, forcing a mock expression of confidence on my face. Frankly, I was still lost, but at least I could be relieved knowing I was likely to be damned with friends nearby.

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