Episode 1: Heroes vs Villains!

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Third Person POV

Chris McLean, the recently released reality host, stood on the dock of his titular island. Several boards were rattled and brittle, bit and pieces broke off and creaking as he walked around. "Welcome to Total Drama All-Stars!" He announced to the camera with a toothy grin, "After my involuntary, year-long 'vacation', I really need to be in a familiar environment. Surrounded by the people I love . . ."

He paused for a moment, his upper lip twitching slightly before he continued, "To, hurt." The host chuckled to himself. "It's part of my parole, aside from the hurt part," Chris explained, "That's all McLean!" 

While he elaborated further, Chris started making his way to the end of the dock, where a robotic entity stood waiting with a briefcase. "So, I brought back fifteen Total Drama All-Stars to battle it out in the most dangerous, death-defying, one-million-dollar competition, EVER!" The robot opened the suitcase, which revealed the million-dollar prize, as a gush of air began to blow some bills out.

The host gestured up to the sky, showing that a helicopter was the source of the particular gusts of wind. "And, here they are now!" he exclaimed, glancing up to watch the aircraft. The door was flung open, and one by one, the contestants were lined up to be thrown out into the water below.

"From Revenge of the Island, say hello to . . ." Chris grinned, watching the teenagers fall as he introduced them one at a time.

"Multiple Mike, aka Chester, Svetlana, Vito, and Manitoba!" The scrawny male fell from the sky, his personalities making a quick appearance before he hit the water.

"Mike's crush pushover turned powerhouse, Zoey!" She gasped as Mike hit the water, calling his name and jumping out right after him.

"Athletic non-supporter, Lightning!" The dark-skinned male shoved himself to the exit of his own free will, preparing to 'properly' dive until Chef kicked him out.

"Bubble boy brainiac, Cameron!" He frowned, Chef, having to pick him up and throw him out of the chopper screaming.

"Water-fearing warrior woman, Cassidy!" Petrified, the brunette held onto Chef's arm pleading to be let off elsewhere, only for him to make her fall.

"Precarious mutant-loving gamer, Sam!" The male was busy playing on a handheld controller, so Chef had to pick him up by the shirt and toss him down.

"Challenge-throwing dirt farmer, Scott!" Much like Cassidy, he was clinging onto the co-host, who was much more forceful with ridding him from the helicopter.

"Bossy bruiser Jo, who dominated until her underlings turned on her!" The take-no-nonsense blonde shoved Chef out of her way, threatening Chris from above before Chef kicked her in the back.

Chris did little more than laugh, turning to the camera for a brief moment as he continued. "And, from our original cast . . ."

 "Cranky, know-it-all C.I.T, Courtney!" The brunette was dangled over the edge by her leg, whining about her contract as Chef let her fall.

"Courtney's bestie, turned boyfriend stealer, Gwen!" He just flat-out threw her from the helicopter, while she tried to defend her previous actions as she fell.

"Broody bad-boy Duncan!" Duncan, compared to the others, was relatively calm on his way to the water, crossing his arms as he fell.

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