Episode 4: Food Fright!

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As I had predicted, sleep eluded me.

The combined efforts of stress and an impromptu thunderstorm kept me wide awake. What made things even more difficult, as I lay on the concrete block that was my cabin bed, was the untimely arrival of Sir Hatchet. Within seconds he had whipped the door to our room open, slamming it against the wall, and threw inside a sack that exploded on impact.

This woke the remaining women who accompanied me inside. I felt something dust my cheeks. Lady Gwen went to throw the lights on, and, with a cough, I examined the strange powder that I was now coated in. I rubbed some between my fingers before having a lick-- for what Sir Hatchet felt was food, it was . . . digestible.

Lady Courtney seemed to think otherwise, however. A heaving cough rose from her, only worsening as she went to answer a knock at our door. When our visitor turned out to be Scott, my eyes narrowed, and he returned the gesture with vigour. Though, with the door now wide open, a sudden crack of thunder from the storm rang into our room, which threw me off enough to shy away from his gaze.

Regardless, he smirked at Lady Courtney, swinging his bucket through the doorway, "You gonna finish your gruel?"

She scoffed, placing her hands on her hips, "What? No! Gross, help yourself."

Upon her word, the weasel reached up and took a chunk of the powder that had gathered atop her head. He took a bite of it and shrugged, smirking at her, "You clean up real nice." And, without so much as entering to take more of what he had asked for, he left.



Hmm . . . Smelly, pit-stainy . . . But I definitely need an ally now that I'm stuck on team Villain, so . . .


*intense gagging noises*


*scoffs* To all of my peeps back home and in juvie, I am NOT a hero! It must be a trap to gain my trust, and then BAM, they vote me off. Fat chance of that, but I can't let them know that I know, so yeah. I ate the cake! It was like eating the happiest day of my life!


Did *I* break her phone? *he gasps and begins rubbing his hands together maliciously*


Thankfully for us, the rain had cleared, and soon we were ordered to line up with our teams. I stood behind Lady Gwen and held my hands in front. Chris soon joined us and from there, he began. "Before we get started, let's bring back last night's exile, Cameron!"

If that and the whirring blade of the approaching aircraft had failed to wake me, I could not guess what could. They did, though, and the moment my comrade landed on the ground, I rushed over to help him up. Offering him as much of a smile as I could manage, my attention was stolen by Chris, "Okay, A, how are you still alive after a night on the island, and B, why do you smell so RANK?"

I had failed to notice the smell until then, and, quite frankly, I despise him for noting it.

Cameron, on the other hand, seemed quite unphased by it. He adjusted his glasses and explained, "Simple. In between seasons, I read up on nature survival tips. If you douse yourself with the . . . um, the scent of the most vicious animal in the forest, then the others will treat you with the utmost respect!"

Despite the smell, I could not resist hugging him. It was a clever move, just as I expect from Cameron.

The others . . . did not appear to share the sentiment.

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