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I was peacefully dreaming when i felt something touch me i woke up and saw Niall sitting on the bed,"What are you doing here? No more people for me to kill?" I sniffled he looked at me with gulit,"I'm sorry, i thought you would enjoy it."

He said," You think killing people is enjoyable? I want answer's." he looked at me with confusion then continued,"What kind's of question's?"I looked up at him,"What's wrong with you guys are you not right in the head or?" he smiled evily,"Well im very full aware what i do and why i do it, you see I found everyone off the streets from abusive parents to full on physco's... Like me." he smiled,"I have very bad bipolar issues, I use to take pills then i ended up just throwing them away."So your saying everyones not right up there?" he looked at me with fustration.

"Look Dawn, were not crazy like you may think we are just.. different, and we all dont have mental issues." he continued,"Liam was abused by his parents for killing his sister by accident and when they found out they tortured him every single day of his life, Zayn is a schizophreniac his case is not that bad, but he's a little off sometimes. Louis.. now keep your distance with him and i mean it, he has Homicidal ideation which makes him have thoughts of killing pretty much everyone but it unlikely for him to do it out of the blue. Harry is a Pathological liar, his a smart nut but also a little sneaky bastard." he chuckled 

I was in shock im in a house full of nut jobs,"Does that answer all your questions love?" I just stayed quiet,"Come." he pulled me with him and lead me to his room,"Well i decided to make it up to you for yesterdays incident." the memories were harsh on me but when he pulled back the balcony curtains a beautiful view and diner was there waiting for us.

For a second his bright blue eyes put me in a trance and yesterday was gone, but then the moment was over.,"I hope you like it, i made it myself." I was pretty impressed,"Its Filet Mignon with Mushroom with some Wine Sauce." I was speechless with all the roses and lights but it didn't change the fact what he did.

He guided me to the chair and i sat, he sat as well and poured red wine in my glass and white in his, I was hesitate to eat this wondering if he to would kill me but i no longer cared i had absolutely nothing to lose and nothing to gain.

"Do you like it?" he asked curiously I nodded quickly it was deilious but he took it to good, and placed his hand on my lap which made my skin want to jump."I think i've drank to much" i added cause i was slurring by the time dinner was over and he smiled probably intoxicating me on purpose,"You can always sleep with me?" he said and I got up a bit to quickly,"I'm fine, thank you for this lovely dinner goodbye." I was totally out of it i was seeing double.

Niall ran up to me and lead me to his room i began to protest but we still kept moving to his room,"Im fine!" he smiled,"Lay down your drunk." he chuckled it was about 6 in the afternoon,"How long were we at the balcony?" he just said,"4 hours, you did wake up around 2." I was shocked how much time had flew by how long ive been here and theres none looking for me not that i expected people to but it would be nice for someone to actually care but oh well thats life.

Niall laid down next to me his face was beautiful and kind looking, but how he was in the inside was indescribeable. I was lying next to a monster a beautiful beast if you may say, i hated him for everything he did... but something deep down actually felt something more than guilt but i had to push it away he made me kill people and that cannot be forgiven.

"Niall... are you ever gonna let me go." i watched as his experssion harden,"Haven't i told you millions of times, your life is better off with me." "You do know i wasn't a murderer before i came here!" I got up slowly not to fall,"Can't you be happy for yourself! you got what you wanted revenge i know you wanted that deep down your demons were clawing to come out and do it themselfs." he smirked,"Its right, were not so different after all." I wasn't a muderer,"No were not similar in anyway! your so patheic you know you have to kidnap girls to actually be with one."

He growled with anger,"Your playing a risky game here Dawn! Its like dancing with the devil." he smirked and rushed towards me and backed me against a wall,"They say no matter how good you try to be its impossible because this world is filled with sins and demons and your one of them." he looked down at me and said,"I do love your rebel inside but we have to tame it down." he smirked and threw me on his bed and hovered over me,"Remember what i told you about running away.. Well disobeying is also included in are deal." 

I knew what  he was gonna do and i was not going down without a fight, I kicked him in the groin and he howled in pain and i took the chance to run. Liam was downstairs with Harry i knew i wouldn't stand a chance but it was worth a try.

I ran full speed at them and knocked them down at least Harry, Liam was beyond pissed and so was Niall coming down breathing heavy,"Dawn, you think you can leave, try i dare you." Niall said through his clenched teeth, and thats what i did i scrambled to the door kicking punching left and right just to be held down by three men.

"Punishment is in your future my sweet Dawn" his hand slid down my face and i spit in his face which made him smirk and lick it off and made me cringe at how disgusting he was,"You say im patheic when your the one who is on the floor hon." Nialls foot was on my throat not putting to much pressure but enough to make me squrium,"Your still the patheic one thinking ill ever fall in love with you." I laughed out.

He looked at me with mixed emotions anger,fustration,and sadness for a second i felt bad for him but soon realized his foot was on my throat he took it off and lifted me to my feet,"Think your so slick huh." he dragged me to a room downstairs and opened a door who revealed the famous Louis,"Show her why she would never ever want to come back here." he said and threw me at the man who looked at me as if i was some piece of meat.

"You do know, mess with the bull you get the horns" he smirked and walked towards me i was terrified of my soon fate, but i couldn't wait for it to come any sooner to end this misery the pain everything so i decided to just take it all in and let everything go.

A/N hope yall enjoy. 

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