Chapter 5

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This is the only time I walked alone in the streets with Bakugo with me. It's so odd. Its was so late in the night.

I walked to my mother's grave. It was so devastating to see all the dead flowers I placed there years past. I few of the flowers were missing but winds probably blew them away.

I started walking back home as soon as I heard police sirens blasting around every direction. Was there an attack? I pick up pace.

"Hello! Is anyone there! Show yourself!" I felt someones presence. I shiver in fear. "Look at what we got here. Adam look, it's a chick!" I was so confused. I see two shadows approach me.

Bakugo where are you, I need help. I gasp when one of the men grab me from behind, pulling me into his cold body. The other man grabbing my face. I let out a scream, but it was interrupted with a hand.

I then fall down. I don't want to use my quirk. I would kill someone, and make me very sick. I honestly didn't care if they beat me up or something. Suddenly one one the men pulled out tape and that other picked me up over his shoulder.

Where are they taking me? They were taking me through woods, but I can see the streets. I see a boy with blonde spiky hair. Is that Bakugo. Yes that's Bakugo! I try mumbling loudly but it wasn't loud enough for him to hear me. And one of the men smacked me.

I was randomly was set down. One guy Grabbed scissors and started cutting my clothes while the other was biting my neck I tried wiggling and kicking till one guy push me down. I realized every piece of clothing on my upper half was all cut off. They started kissing me all over as tears fell down my face.

Once I finally calmed down, waiting for my chance to attack, one of the guys slipped my pants down. I started kicking again than someone held my legs down.

I blacked out. What was happening. I don't remember anything. I opened my eyes slightly to find two shadows harassing me. I didn't realize my body was moving without consent. Wait, hes raping me. I tried to scream for help but tape covered my mouth, not letting me to make a sound.

Where is Bakugo when you need him. Suddenly I couldn't help but fight back. My body started to go up in flames, blasting the men into trees. I was in so much rage. My body already in pain, refused to get up I was still lying there. I already felt really sick.

Why.. My body.. In so much.. Pain... All I can see.. Explosions.. Explosions? Bakugo? So.. Tired.. I suddenly passed out.

I wake up in so much pain and confusion. Why am I hurting so much. "Bakugo! Agh!" I look at my hands and they were a light blue. What! "(Y/n), how are you feeling?" I closed my eyes for a sec but they stayed shut. I'm still awake. "B-bad, why are my hands blue? Why am I in so m-much pain?" My lower half is so numb. Why did I feel like this? I quickly force my eyes open, grab for Bakugos arm, and pull him on the bed. Hugging his arm to help the pain.

He felt so.. Warm..

(Bakugos POV)

Where is (Y/n)? She never walks alone. I search around town looking for her. There was a villian attack, was she there? I ran so fast over there running through people to the front of the crowd. She didn't seem to be in there. I walked to her mothers grave to see if she was visiting. She wasn't there either. Where was that dummy?

I decided to walk back home to see if she was there. Hm? I swore I heard something. Sounded like mumbling. I look everywhere around and didn't see anyone, must have been my stomach, I am really hungry.

Once I got home I realized she wasn't home. I came to a realization that she was in danger. I quickly ran out to look for her. "(Y/n)! Come on dummy! (Y/n)!"

As running through town, I stopped when I seen a jungle of trees. Entrance into the woods. Suddenly purple flames start flaming through that trees. That's (Y/n) alright!

As I approached her I see two men feeling in pain and (Y/n) half naked.

I then realized what they had done to her.


Sweat from running so much explodes off my body and blowing them unconscious. Once I've had enough of blowing them up I noticed she was still half naked. I quickly took off my shirt and put it on her. How would these assholes do that to her. She's just a poor innocent girl. She did nothing to deserve any of that.

As I took her home, I noticed, her body felt so cold. Shes probably already grown symptoms. God I hope she's fine.

I put her on her bed and covered her with a bunch of blankets. Parts of her body were a baby blue color. Poor girl. I soon left her to sleep.

"Bakugo! Agh!" I heard her scream from the other room. I quickly walked to the room after hearing her in pain.

"(Y/n), how are you feeling?" Ugh why did I ask that, I already know she's in terrible pain. "B-bad,why are my hands blue? Why am I in so much pain?" She already noticed her hands.

I sighed as she stayed confused. I didn't want to tell her quite yet because I didn't really know what happened myself.

Suddenly, she hoped up and grabbed my arm and pulled me on the bed, and hugged my arm so tight. I didn't mind but if she continued to hug it, it would go numb. I wouldn't move at all. Suddenly small snores escape from her. Her snores made me a little tired.

She was so adorable. I gave her a little kiss on the head as I dozed off as she still held on my arm. Wait I kissed her. I don't have feelings for her. Wait do I?

(This seemed pretty long but whatever)

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