Chapter 8

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(Y/n) POV)

"Hey, wake up!" Hmm.. Why so early... "What do you want Bakugo?"
"I'm not Bakugo, wake up." Oh, I forgot I was taken by the league.
"I'm sorry, I'm not used to being home with Bakugo."
"Whatever get up we have to get your stuff."

I got up soon after his disturbance. Walking out, a girl with blonde space buns popped out of nowhere. What's her name again? Fogo? Togo? Ah, Toga.
"(Y/n)! Your still wearing you costume! Here comes with me!" She took my hand and dragged me in her room.

You know, shes not that bad. She sat me on her bed and dug through her closet. She brought out an oversized hoodie with short shorts and knee long boots. She left me to put them on. The hoodie was longer than the shorts, it look like I wasn't wearing pants, but I guess the outfit complimented my (H/l) (H/c) hair and (E/c) eyes. I look cute!

"Woah! (Y/n)! You look so cute!"
"Thanks for the clothes" I said giving her a gentle hug.
"Okay hot stuff, let's go." Wait, Dabi thinks I'm hot?

"Oh so you think I'm hot?"
"I was referring to your quirk."
"Okay whatever let's go."

We walked out of the bar to my old house in complete silence. Wow, he is really boring. "I forgot to ask, is anyone home?"
"I don't think so, Bakugos is at school and his parents should be at work."

We finally arrived, like I suspected no one is home.
"I'll wait around the corner, if anyone comes in, act like you don't want to be apart of them. If you want to die, don't give in."

He walked away as I walked in. Maybe I should give this a try. I stepped in my old room. Woah, I'll miss this life. I quickly grabbed a bunch of my clothes and shoved them into a bag. I also grabbed a bunch of other stuff as well.

Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. Oh god someones home. I'm gonna have to confront them. It's probably Bakugos dad. He'll understand better. I'll act all pissed off.

I soon walked out, with a lot of bags. Oh god. It's Bakugo.

"(Y/n)! Where the hell were you!?!" He quickly got up and hugged me so tight. I wanted to cry. His embrace is so warm. As much as I wanted to, I refused his hug.
"Get off of me." He let out a gasp in shock as he let go.

"What is wrong with you
(Y/n, you never act like this. What's going on?" I sighed. "I'm running away, I don't want to be here anymore tell mom and dad I said goodbye and tell teachers I'm dropping out. You'll probably never see me again."

As he stood their, speechless I started to walk away. "Goodbye, Bakugo..."
"Wait! Don't leave me! Please (Y/n)! Your the only one knows me, better than anyone, you really can't go!"

Those words, I just can't. I was so close to jumping in his arms. Why didn't I? A few small tears fell down my cheeks. I look into his soft eyes. "I'm sorry, goodbye." I picked up my bags, and left. It broke me. As I walked away from the house I hear him screaming. I turned around to get one good look at the house.

I felt a hand upon my shoulder. I turn around to see Dabi. He pushed me into his chest for a hug. "I know I don't like you to much and you don't like me either, but you need a hug." I look up at his face, there was no expression. I wrap my arms around him as he didn't return the hug, but just letting me hug him. I finally let go so we could go home.

God, these bags are extremely heavy. "You could've help me."
"I didn't feel like it."
He opened the door to the bar leading me inside. "Ugh finally.. I can set this down.."

I put everything away for my half of the room. My closet was full of clothes, it felt a little like home, besides the whole villian thing and sharing a room with Dabi. "(Y/n)!!!!!!" Toga barged in my room. "Oooh~ Cute room! Anyways you can keep those clothes! You look cute in them!" Wait really? She is so nice.
"You sure? I mean thanks but you should keep your clothes."
"Yep! Keep them!"
"Thanks!" I gave her a big hug.

Toga helped put the rest of my stuff away. "Hey (Y/n), ever had... Alcohol."
"Cmon let's go take some shots."
"Uh, I don't think that's a good idea."
"Cmonnnn let's goo!"

I had a bad feeling about this. We walked outside the room and sat infront of Kurogiri.
"Kurrroooogggiiiirrriiii can you get us a drink. Anything will do." Oh god, how did I get myself into this mess.

I had a weird feeling in my stomach. Okay. Ready. 3...2...1... Drink! I quickly took the drink. This is good.

The night of me and Toga continuing to take shots. I felt so dizzy. Dabi walked up to me and Toga. "Guys, you've had enough." I tried to stand up, but I fell to the ground, quickly falling straight asleep. I woke up in Dabis arms, carrying me bridal style. I started playing with his hair and teasing him. He put me on my bed and covered me in blankets

"Dabi?" He looked at me, wondering what I wanted. "Can I sleep with you? I don't feel comfortable sleeping alone in this state, so can I?" He looked down and let a soft sigh before walking up to me and picked me up and set me on the far side of his bed. "You sure you'll be fine with it? I sleep without a shirt." He started to take off his shirt. "I don't mind."

He sat on the bed, and turned on the tv. He kept the volume down so I could sleep well. I snuggled into his chest. I felt his body heat up. I started to doze off when I felt him wrap his arm around me. I quickly fell back asleep to the warmed of his body.

Ugh.. Morning already.. Why do I have a throbbing headache.. I don't feel too sick so I don't think I used my quirk but agh. Wait, who was I sleeping on. I get up to see who it was. Dabi!?!!?!!?!

Huh, I don't remember anything. I know I've been in the league for about 2 days now but, I don't recall anything before me joining. What is going on? Where did I live? I remember my mom died and my dad left when I was 5. I remember me getting raped but what else!?

I walk out into the bar and sit on the stool. "Do you feel okay (Y/n)?" I look up at Kurogiri who seemed in a weird mood. "Yeah, can you get me glass of water?" He handed me a glass. I took a huge drink and left the room, returning to my own room. God why is my head killing me.

I got up and looked through my closet. Where did this huge teddy bear cone from? It didn't seem new so, where did it come from? Now I'm ultimately confused. I grabbed the teddy bear and hugged it close. A weird scent came off. I smelt good. It reminded me of home, but I don't remember home at all. I hopped into bed and curled up into a ball with the oversized teddy bear and held it tight.

I slept all day. Still my head was killing me. What happened. Oh right, last night. I don't want to repeat it. I can't believe I slept in the same bed as that guy. Maybe I'll just go back to sleep. Or maybe I'll sleep forever, I'm really tired...

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