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Okay I know this isn't a chapter but I've been writing in this one book about bodies. The books setting an example that people aren't just a body, but also a mind. But one issue I'm having about this society is the fact you can shame and discriminate people over the color of their skin. Just because your a perfect white, blonde, blue eyed girl doesn't mean you can sit here and make fun of a black brown eyed person just for fun. You people who think every single race "matters" But sit here making the white race superior make me sick. What's wrong with the way someone looks. The color of their skin makes them a threat? How so? It's honestly not that hard to have a straight mind. Yes, I do believe all lives matter, But the fact behind Black Lives Matter is to spread awareness to all who lost their lives just over their skin color. Most, key word most have been found innocent. There shouldn't be a single person in this world killed at the hands of police for absolutely no reason. Police are supposed to protect us, not scare us. Police are supposed to be the reason why we can walk safely on the streets, with no harm, not for an innocent black person to get shot down. You teach our society to be like this, when we should really be teaching each other love. We should be teaching patience. We should be teaching kindness. We should be teaching safety and not threats. We should be teaching everyone that the police are your friends and not an enemy. But if police keep acting like this we have no choice then to be mad and scared. Trust me, I love some cops. Like my trusty hometown cops. I don't believe in All Cops Are Bad. But most cops nowadays are bad, and I'll die knowing that. I wanna let everyone know that they should be careful. If your being pulled over pull out your ID, turn your phone on airplane mode and record what's happening. If you have an encounter with the police and their trying to force you to talk to them, record and say you won't speak unless you have a lawyer or if your a minor then a parent. If they still force you to talk, then don't. You have the freedom to not speak, and they can't legally force you to talk. If you ask for a lawyer they have to leave immediately, they can barely say bye without it now being illegal for them. Always ask for a lawyer. Don't speak. Have an ID out. Airplane mode then record. Ask if they have a permit to enter. If they do, read it all before letting them in. Stay safe. If you go to protests, have a face shield, sunglasses, a mask, dark clothes. If the police are starting to use force, have balloons full of paint and throw them at the polices facial covering. They are ordered to get a new one. Fill waterguns with paint. Use either rubbing alcohol, mint essential oils, or anything that you can think of to make them blind for 2 minutes. Try to get under their face coverings. Whatever you do please be safe. I would bring a first aid kit. My fellow white people, please protest. Please protect our other rases through this movement. We have to have sure it's not just us staying safe and thats it's everyone. We all gotta stick together in this. Stay safe guys. And also of you guys need any help or anyone to just talk to, you can add me on discord.
xXRainJazXx #3953

I love you guys 💕

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