"i love the way you laugh"

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"No way. We're trying again."


"That wasn't fair," Albus spluttered. "My nose was itchy."

"Your nose?" Scorpius raised a brow.

"Yeah, my nose." Albus sat back, his chest slowly starting to rise and fall at its original pace.

Out of pure boredom, he'd suggested having a breathing competition, something he used to do with his sister when they were younger. Lily would get so competitive that Albus would often purposefully let his breath out just so that some colour could return to her freckled face as she followed suit. Albus wouldn't have been surprised if she'd gone on to the point of passing out.

"Just admit I can hold my breath longer than you," Scorpius said, grinning triumphantly.

"Whatever," he rolled his eyes, only pretending to be bothered. "We have different lung sizes."

"Oh, right," Scorpius laughed. "I'm sure our air capacities are drastically different."

"Shut up," Albus said, throwing a pillow at his best friend, who may have had strong lungs, but was a terrible pillow-dodger.

"Hey! You didn't call a pillow fight," Scorpius said, as the pillow bounced onto the floor.

"I'm calling it now, aren't I?"

"You technically still haven't - hey!" Scorpius's sentence was cut off as another fluffy pillow smacked into the side of his head.

Albus grinned as the second pillow hit the target. He leaned over to grab a third.

"Okay, first of all - Albus, stop it!" Scorpius yelped, scrambling towards the headboard of his four-poster bed. "You're not supposed to throw them."

"Oh, are there rules for pillow fights now?" Albus teased, tossing another one towards Scorpius, who surprisingly managed to avoid getting hit square in the face. Instead, it merely skimmed his shoulder before hitting the wall and landing back on the bed.

Scorpius giggled, attempting to reach the foot of the bed without getting the worst of the attack.

Albus nearly fell off the bed twice over the course of the next five minutes. It was considerably difficult being a sixteen year old boy and trying to move around on a twin sized bed without slipping off.

When he finally did fall, his quick reflexes came in quite useful. So did the little furry rug Scorpius had placed beside his bed that Albus teased him relentlessly about, but was immensely grateful for in that moment. He managed to avoid any major pain, but his hand stung slightly from where he'd brought it out to block his fall.

"Ouch," Albus complained, wincing as he sat up on the rug.

Scorpius burst out laughing. Albus couldn't bring himself to even fake being upset. Scorpius's laughter had that effect on him; it was just so contagious.

"Are you - are you... okay?" Scorpius let out in between bursts of laughter.

"I think I broke my wrist," Albus lied. "It just bent the wrong way. This isn't funny."

"I'm sorry." Scorpius covered his mouth with one hand. "This must be so difficult for you."

Albus really didn't think he was all that hilarious. Most of his jokes consisted of sarcasm or lying, and yet, Scorpius always seemed to laugh at everything he said. And they were genuine laughs too, not the kind you'd let out just so you didn't appear disinterested. It was kind of sweet. In fact, Albus could confidently say that Scorpius's laughter was the one thing that always managed to lift his mood, no matter how dire the situation.

"Why are you grinning so much?" Scorpius raised his eyebrows teasingly. "I thought you broke your wrist."

Albus hadn't even realized a fond smile had slowly been making its way onto his face. It was certainly too late to try and hide it now.

" I did break my wrist," he clarified. "I just love the way you laugh."

"You do?"


"Even when I'm laughing at you?"

"Even then."

okay i feel SO BAD bc this was requested over a month ago and i JUST got to it bro

i'm literally the worst at taking requests oops :(

- gxldensnitched <3

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