"you're an absolute angel"

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"You know, out of all the things I've ever managed to sneak out of the kitchens, soup is by far the most difficult," Scorpius said, voice heavy with relief as he set down a large bowl on the cluttered nightstand by Albus's bed. "Even more so considering it's Lily's turn with the cloak this week."

Albus sneezed in response. Scorpius handed him a tissue.

"How are you feeling? Better than this morning?" Scorpius asked, pressing the back of his hand to his noticeably ill best friend's forehead. "I asked the house elves for chicken soup, but they only had butternut squash. I suppose they're changing it up for the season? I've heard butternut squash are at their prime during the fall months."

"I don't even know what a butternut squash is," Albus mumbled, voice scratchy.

"Well, I guess you'll find out." Scorpius handed him the bowl carefully, charming up a spoon.

Albus sniffled, and sat up slightly higher. He accepted the steaming bowl with hands paler than usual.

"It smells quite nice," Scorpius continued, knowing he'd have to speak enough for the both of them over the course of the next few days. "I've never really tried many variations of soup. It just seems like a last choice meal, don't you think?"

Albus shrugged. "Soup is old people food."

Scorpius rolled his eyes, though the fact that Albus seemed to be regaining some aspects of his humour was comforting. "Soup is everyone food."

"It's for people with no teeth," Albus said, wincing as the words appeared to itch at his throat. "Fuck."

"Albus, shh," Scorpius said softly. "You'll only worsen your throat. I promise we'll argue over the target audience for soup once you're better. Okay?"

Albus smiled slightly at that, thought it quickly turned into a grimace. "I think I'm dying."

Scorpius grinned. "Poor you. Having a cold must be so exhausting."


"You're so dramatic, Al," Scorpius said, plopping down on the bed beside him. "Eat your soup."

"You mean drink my soup? It's liquid," Albus said, followed by a dry cough.

"Hey," Scorpius rubbed his back softly. "Albus. Stop talking. If I hear one more word come out of your mouth, I'm bringing that soup right back down to the house elves."

Albus responded with a pout, looking so pitiful that Scorpius knew he'd willingly take another trip down to the kitchens to refill that bowl as many times as Albus would have requested.

"I think you need more pillows," Scorpius said, noticing how low the current stack was. "Eat more, I'll be right back."

He headed over to his side of the room, pulling the two cushiony pillows off his own four poster bed.

"Sit up for a second?" Scorpius asked.

Albus, looking extremely disgruntled, did so. It looked like quite the effort.

"There," Scorpius stood back. "That looks much more comfortable, don't you think?"

Albus nodded, sinking back into the higher stack. Scorpius was pleased to note that he'd actually taken a few spoonfuls of the soup, which had stopped releasing and steam. Scorpius recast the heating charm.

Scorpius took the spot beside him once again, leaning back into the cushions himself. They seemed comfortable enough.

Albus finished slightly more than half the bowl before putting it away. It was a start; he hadn't had anything but ginger tea all day.

Albus sniffed, leaning his head against Scorpius's shoulder.

"You know, I didn't bring you all these cushions just so you could sleep on my shoulder," Scorpius joked, rubbing soft circles on his back.

Albus poked his side in response.

"Are you warm enough?" Scorpius asked, pulling the blanket up higher. "I can bring more blankets. And more cushions, although I'd have to steal them from the common room couches, and that would be kind of awkward. I could charm some up, but they'd only be temporary. Just let me know, okay?"

"Scorpius?" Albus's voice was barely above a whisper, head still heavy against the curve of his shoulder.


"You're an absolute angel."

Scorpius felt a fond grin make its way onto his face, flushing slightly. He brushed the messy black strands of hair away from Albus's tired eyes. He was almost certain that within a week or so, he'd be the one with a cold, but he found he'd gladly take the chances.

he really is an angel

- gxldensnitched <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2019 ⏰

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