~Chapter 1~

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'Kyuubi thinking'
"Kyuubi talking"

A/N~I forgot what happened in the actual anime when Naruto found out Jiraiya (sp?)died. So, please don't yell at me. Anyways, have a good day,

Cheers, I.G~8/22/19

3rd POV

It was a nice and sunny day, just like any other day in Konoha. Most people went out about to hang out or sell and trade. But a certain blonde ninja had decided to spend the day training, all alone. He was always alone....or so he thought. Naruto decided to practice his Rasengan. He wanted to be able to get it, using one hand. So there was Naruto, sitting down, concentrating.

He focused all chakra to the middle of his palm and added the spinning motion. A Mini Rasengan appeared in his hand. Naruto was overjoyed by the fact he was able to make progress on the first go.

"I did it! Believe it!" He cried, jumping from tree to tree, to celebrate. Out of absolutely nowhere, he caught his foot on something, and he fell, landing on his side.

"Ow, that hurt, dattebayo...." Naruto groaned, rubbing his arm.

"Naruto," A voice said. Naruto looked up to see who the jerk who tripped him was, it was none other than Kakashi-sensei. "Kakashi-sensei! Why'd you trip me?! You could've called me, dattebayo!"

Kakashi didn't even look at Naruto, as his face was buried in the latest edition of Make-Out Tactics, "Hokage-sama has summoned us, go there in 10 minutes, and don't be late, or Tsunade will have your head on a platter." He said, before poofing away.

Naruto glared at the spot where Kakashi was. "Great sensei, my ass.." Naruto grumbled. He got up and walked away from the place he was at. He continued grumbling all the way to the Hokage tower. 'Crap! I forgot to take my pills!' He suddenly thought, stopping at the door to the Hokage's office. 'Nah, I'll be fine, the worst thing that could happen is if Baa-chan says Jiraiya died or something, then I'll probably have a panic attack.' He thought, knocking. "Come in." said the voice on the other side.

Naruto opened the door to see a random frog sitting on Tsunade's desk and Shikamaru next to his team. They were all giving Naruto weird looks. "What?" Naruto asked. "Well....you didn't barge through the door...like you normally would?" Sakura answered.

"Nevermind that, Naruto I summoned you here for an important reason." Tsunade interrupted. Naruto nodded, "Go on.." He said. At this, Tsunade quirked an eyebrow, 'Naruto usually screams at me to give him a B or A-rank mission, does he know?' She thought, glancing at Shikamaru. The chunin shrugged muttering something like "Telling Naruto would've been a drag."

Naruto began to tap his foot impatiently "Baa-chan, I don't have all day, hurry it up, will you?" Naruto muttered. Tsunade sighed, looking down, "Well, I'm not gonna sugar coat it, but," She took a deep, shaky breath, "Jiraiya's dead." She finally said.

Tsunade glanced at Naruto to see his reaction. His face was expressionless, and all the color had drained from his skin. It was pretty scary, to say the least. Naruto's hands were clenching and unclenching. He looked like he was about to explode from sadness. "S-shit....." He muttered, beginning to cough. He collapsed and began to puke. "Naruto!" Sakura cried, she rushed to Naruto's side and began performing healing Justus on him. Naruto shooed her away and managed to stand up. "M-move..." He hissed at Kakashi, who was currently blocking the door.

"Where do you think you're going?! You're in no shape to be prancing around the village!" Sakura said. Grabbing his arm. 'If this goes on any longer, I'll have a full blown-out episode!' He thought miserably. He forced himself to hold back puke, saying something like: "One shunshin(sp?) shouldn't hurt..." and with that, he poofed away, leaving a bewildered Team 7 (and Shikamaru), and a concerned looking Tsunade.

Naruto arrived inside his apartment, in his room. "Now where did I place those pills?!" He grumbled, cursing himself for hiding them so well.
At last, he came across the two orange bottles inside his wall, to the left of the light switch of his bathroom. (If you're confused, don't worry, so am I) He grabbed the bottles, shaking out a pill from each. He was trembling so much, he nearly dropped the pills.

He popped one in his mouth, and the other a few seconds later. He felt the gnawing in his stomach fade away, along with his thoughts. He began to feel numb inside, he felt as though he were floating away, on a cloud. He sighed, shoving the pills in a seal on his left wrist.

Yes, Naruto could seal stuff and things. It was like second nature to him, as easy as it was to breathe. He had taught himself when he was younger, whenever the villagers decided to leave him alone. Not only did he know that but, Jiraiya had taught Naruto other things besides the Rasengan, he had taught Naruto many A-Rank Wind-Style Justus, but he also taught Naruto a Memory Loss Justu, that his father had perfected, but never named.

Speaking of Jiraiya and memory loss, Naruto wasn't sure how he was to cope with Jiraiya's death. Jiraiya was his godfather, along with his own father's sensei. It was like finding out that your dad or mom will never come home, and that you never got to say goodbye. So you could understand what Naruto was going through.

Naruto sighed. He had freaked out, and now he had to go through the trouble of finding Kakashi, Sakura, and Sai, (along with Shikamaru, Shizune, and Lady Tsunade) individually, so he could erase their memories. He began thinking for a minute. 'Why did Ero-sannin teach me a Memory Loss Justu anyways?' A thought came to mind, 'Did he find the pills, perhaps?' Naruto asked himself. 'Well, why else would he have taught me? He probably thought that one day or another, somebody would find them or something....' He concluded, sighing heavily.

Naruto sighed, he realized that he had stood in his bathroom for about 2 hours, thinking. "Dammit" He cursed out loud, realizing that it was now 6:00 p.m and they all were probably searching for him. He sighed again.

"Haha, your luck sucks, you know that?" A voice boomed in his head.

"Shut up, Kurama." Naruto hissed mentally. He made sure to cut off his mind link, before changing into a black cloak, and sighing for the 3rd time that evening. "Might as well get this over with." He grumbled, hopping out his window to find his prey.

(1)Naruto was not looking forward to having to go through Tsunade telling him that Jiraiya died again, he would have to fake his reaction. He also was unhappy about the fact that he would have to make some excuse to go on a mission, so he could travel back the Iwagakure, and restock all his pill bottles. He was almost out of medicine. Naruto concluded that today, fate decided that ruining his evening would be funny. He sighed, oh how much he hated fate, and it's cunning ways.

~1222 words~
A/N Hiya Guys, I'm sorry that this was such a bad chapter, I was wanting to get a chapter out before I started school.
Anyways wish me luck, it's 6:37 AM and my school starts at 8:00 AM.
Have a good day.
Cheers, I.G

~Edit: (1) The Memory Loss Jutsu completely erases a person's memory, which means that since Naruto erased Tsunade's memories, then she has no recollection of telling him, therefore her summoning him again to tell him that Jiraiya died 8/25/19~

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