Christmas Special

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~A/N- Okay so I know that it's been quite a while, I've had to ignore Wattpad and raise my grades because I was already beginning to get D's and stuff, so....yeah. I did manage to raise all my grades to B's so now I can write again. Sorry for making you wait. Also, my Wattpad is broken, it won't let me put spaces anymore unless I go to the website, so that's where I am now.

Anyhow, this isn't really a Sakura-bashing story, but if that's how you feel then go right on ahead. I tried to make her a little less annoying, but after I read through, it seems Sakura will forever remain annoying

Thanks for putting up with me, Enjoy~

"Ne, Sasuke-kun, do you think it's going to snow?" A  pink-haired girl asked. "Hnn." Was the reply of the boy now identified at Sasuke. The girl punched him lightly in the shoulder, "Sasuke-kun, why do you never answer like a human being?" She asked. Sasuke turned and glared at her, "Because I simply don't care." He answered, before turning back and glaring holes into oblivion. 

Both genins were patiently waiting on Team 7's usual waiting place, which was the bridge. It was late December, and Christmas was right around the corner. The weather had gotten worse from the previous day, and it was most likely going to snow on Christmas Day.

Sakura shivered when an icy wind blew into her face, "Stupid Kakashi-sensei, making us wait in weather like this," she hissed, burying herself further into her winter jacket. Sasuke snorted in agreement as he got goosebumps. 

An hour later, a poof announced the arrival of their traditionally late sensei, "Yo!" Was his greeting as he eye-smiled at his half-frozen genin.

 "Don't 'Yo' us! You made us freeze out here on purpose, probably for some stupid excuse like 'it was for endurance training'!" Sakura accused. Sasuke didn't say anything, but he made sure to trip his sensei as he began walking. "Maa, Sasuke, that wasn't very nice," Kakashi commented, still eye-smiling. 

Sasuke made another Uchiha noise before looking away. Sakura sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose, "You're just as bad as Naruto-baka." She said. She paused, "Kakashi-sensei? Where's Naruto?" She asked, realizing the blob of sunshine wasn't present. Kakashi blinked, "It appears he's not here." He said. Sakura made a 'no-shit-sherlock' face. 

The team waited another 10 minutes before Sakura said, "Ne, I don't think Naruto is coming, he's usually the first one here." Sasuke looked mildly interested, (which is a first) "I wonder what could be holding the dobe up..." Sasuke grunted quietly. 

Kakashi looked at the sky, "It's going to snow..." He murmured. "What's snowing got to do with Naruto?" Sakura asked, looking expectantly at Kakashi. 

"Naruto hates the snow, even though he's never seen it," Kakashi replied, looking back down and glancing at Sakura. 

Sasuke looked at Kakashi in confusion, "He hates something he's never seen? How has he never seen snow? He's 13 years old." Kakashi eye-smiled, "Maa, I've never heard you talk so much Sasuke." Sasuke flushed slightly and 'hnned'. Sakura looked in the direction of Naruto's apartment, "We should spend Christmas together, like a team-building exercise..." She said slowly, "it's supposed to snow Christmas day."

Kakashi frowned (no one could see though), "Naruto always stays cooped up in his apartment for Christmas, it'll be hard to convince him to come out." 

Sasuke looked at Kakashi, "Why does he not come out for Christmas?" He asked, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. "That is for Naruto to say, ask him yourself," Kakashi replied, once again eye-smiling. Sasuke glared at him for a moment, before looking at Sakura. The girl nodded and began to walk towards Naruto's apartment, "Ne, you have to help too, Kakashi-sensei," She called after her and Sasuke's shoulder.

Kakashi smiled inwardly, 'Ne, Minato-sensei, you would be proud...' Kakashi thought, before poofing away and scaring his students as he appeared behind them. 


The young blonde genin laid in his bed, he had no motivation whatsoever to get up and meet his team. "I wonder if they noticed that I wasn't there, dattebayo.." He muttered. His stomach grumbled, "I suppose laying in bed won't help me eat." He grunted, slowly getting up and swinging his legs off the bed. 

As he began to walk slowly towards his kitchen, the boy glanced at his calendar. "Tch, 3 more days until Christmas. I'll be alone again." He grumbled. 

The boy sighed deeply, he grabbed an old rusty pot and put it to boil. He sat down as his small, round kitchen table and waited patiently for his water to boil. "Why do I always have to be alone? It's not my fault the damn Kyuubi is sealed inside of me," He grumbled. 

A couple of knocks sounded at his door, "Who could that be," He asked himself. He slowly trudged to the door. He opened it. 

There stood his team, who had opened their mouths and were gaping at him like fish. "You look terrible," said the forever blunt Sasuke. The boy looked at himself, he couldn't help but agree. He was wearing a wrinkled black shirt with still wrinkled navy blue ANBU-style pants. He also noticed he was unnaturally pale, "You're right, 'ttebayo," He replied, smiling slightly. Sasuke looked taken aback, "Are you feeling alright Naruto? You never agree with Sasuke-kun." Sakura asked.

Naruto grinned, "Of course I am, dattebayo!" Kakashi gave an eye-smile, "Can we come in Naruto?" He asked. Naruto shook his head sideways, "No, not today, it's a mess," Naruto replied casually. Kakashi raised a visible eyebrow, "That's alright we can help you clean."

Naruto shook his head, he couldn't let them see the words on his wall, "Just not today, if you really want too, then at least let me clean some stuff up," Naruto emphasized the word stuff, hoping Kakashi would catch it. Sasuke was about to say something before Kakashi beat him to it, "Alrighty then, we'll see you later tonight...does 5 sound good?"

Naruto nodded, "Yeah, I'll be ready by then. See you guys later, 'ttebayo," he shut the door. "Great, now I have to be all happy and stuff." He grumbled, before reluctantly turning of his stove burner and putting the water aside.

Naruto sighed heavily, "Where to start..." He decided that the walls could wait and that he needed to at least wash the blood from his couch first.

~Okay so, I know I didn't finish this and uh, I will at some point. But my mom was like "hOw daRe yOu wrIte somEthinG lIke thiS," she says that I'm not allowed to be on Wattpad anymore. Buuuuut I'm a rebel, so ima do this book during school. So i'm sacrificing my grade but thats okay.

So I'm sorry to make you all wait, but I need to take like a day because my mom went all rage mode and she broke my My Hero Academia cup. You might think thats a dumb thing to get sad about, but my friend gave it to me and it meant so much. 

Sorry for venting. Have a good day, Cheers, I.G~1/7/20

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