~Chapter 3~

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You know, I'm really sorry for abandoning this fanfic, I switched schools after Christmas break, meaning I didn't have my chromebook and I could no longer be on Wattpad. Also, my mom has like a thing against fanfiction because she thinks I'm depressed or something so I haven't had the chance to do anything. But don't worry, I'm going to finish this fanfic no matter what. The updates might be wacky because I usually don't get the chance to be on my PC or phone, but I'll try. Thanks for making this fic get to over 1k views :D. I hope you all have a fantastic day,

Cheers, I.G 4/20/20 (I'm 13 now :D)


A dark figure rose from the bushes, his red eyes flashing in the darkness.~

Naruto froze. There stood Sasuke's older brother, Itachi Uchiha, in a back cloak with red clouds. Naruto opened his mouth, but nothing came out. "Don't say a word." Itachi hissed, looking around to see if anyone was nearby. Naruto inhaled slowly.

"YOU EXPECT ME TO NOT BE FREAKED OUT WHEN A S-RANKED NINJA JUST POPS OUT OF NOWHERE?!" Naruto screamed at the top of his lungs. Itachi poofed next to him and slapped a hand over his mouth, "I'm not here to catch you, Naruto," Itachi said quietly, alarmed that a ninja heard Naruto.

 The said boy gave a confused look towards Itachi, "Buff Iv Thofh Yuf Wvf Uf Ruvf Nijf?" He said, clearly muffled. Itachi glared at him for a moment before removing his hand. Naruto wiped his mouth before repeating, "But I thought you were a rogue ninja?"

Itachi sighed, "It's too complicated to explain to someone like you," He replied, turning, but he found that there was a seal around him, meaning he couldn't move, "Try me," Naruto grumbled, sitting down criss-cross applesauce on the ground. Itachi looked curiously at Naruto, "How long have you been able to do seals?" He asked quietly. Naruto shrugged, "Since forever I guess," He answered, staring at the ground. Itachi continued to stare at Naruto, "Would you like to help me?" Itachi asked after a while. Naruto looked up abruptly, "Help you? With what?" He asked.

Itachi sighed, "Release me first, and then I'll try and explain." Naruto put his index and middle finger together and said "Release," Black letters appeared on Itachi and they slowly flowed off of him, returning to Naruto's hand. Naruto patted the ground next to him, "Sit," he commanded. Itachi again sighed, "Fine," He agreed, sitting next to Naruto.

Naruto looked at the sky, "Ne, you have 'bout 3 hours to explain to me, 'tettebayo." Itachi again, looked at Naruto, "You can tell the time from the position of the sun?" He asked. Naruto nodded in answer, "Hai."

Itachi for the 3rd time that day sighed, "I might as well explain then..." He began, "You know my foolish little brother, yes?" Naruto's eyes flashed dangerously, "You mean your bastard little brother that is a selfish asshole? Yeah, I know him." Naruto grumbled. Itachi glanced at Naruto, "Why do you speak of him so terribly? Haven't you made it your goal to bring him back?" He asked. Naruto looked away, "That is not your concern."

Itachi shook his head, "Well, I can't tell you until you tell me your true intentions of bringing back my foolish brother." "Ne, Itachi-baka, did you know that I can kill you with one blow?" Naruto said, smirking slightly. Itachi looked slightly confused, "You? A still C-Rank genin? Can kill me in one blow?" Itachi repeated, looking slightly baffled. Again, the S-Rank ninja found that he couldn't move. "Uzumaki Art: Chakra Drain," Naruto whispered.

Itachi could feel his chakra slowly flow out of his body. He began to feel weak within a few minutes, and he found that he couldn't activate his Sharingan anymore. "See what I mean Itachi-baka? I am your superior, I can cancel any genjutsu you try to pull. So, you will listen to me when I say that my intentions are none of your concern. Understand?" Naruto said crouching in front of Itachi who was pale and still sitting criss-cross applesauce.

Itachi swallowed his pride and grunted in agreement. As he was about to open his mouth, Naruto raised a hand to silence him. "I think someone's here..." He whispered. Itachi looked at him curiously, he slowly picked himself off the ground, dusted himself off, and proceeded to walk toward the direction Naruto was looking toward. "What the hell are you doing Itachi-teme?! There's someone over there, you're going to get yourself caught!" Naruto whispered yelled at the back of the rouge ninja's head. Itachi took no notice of Naruto's protests as he made his way towards the suspicious-looking bush that was shaking violently. 

"Why the hell are you here? I thought I made it clear that I didn't want anybody to follow me," Itachi growled at the bush. He proceeded to kick the bush and a ball of red and black came tumbling out. 

"Itachi-kun~ That was mean! Tobi's a good boi! He wanted to make sure you weren't being bad!" The balls unfurled itself and stood up, becoming a tallish man with the Akatsuki cloak and an orange mask on.

Naruto watched from a distance, his confusion rolling off of him like waves, " 'Kun?' Are you guys dating or something? I mean, I'm not judging but wow. I didn't know you liked that type of man Itachi..." He commented.

Itachi groaned with annoyance and he smacked Tobi atop the head, "You idiot, why did you come? Now he thinks that I'm a sadist that likes submissive men." Tobi looked at him with his one visible eye that sparkled with amusement, "Well, aren't you? You seem like the type of guy that enjoys people writhing underneath him." Tobi cooed, using Itachi playfully with his shoulder.

It took all of Itachi's willpower to not strangle the idiot at that moment.

"Well, that sweet and all, but I thought you were gonna tell me what your plan is with Sasuke," Naruto said, walking up to the pair. Itachi sighed, "Well now that this idiot is here, I can no longer do anything because this fool will report everything and anything to Pain..." He groaned.

~1045 Words~

Gimme some plot ideas, please! By the way, this is very much unedited, I made this in a rush! Cheers, I.G

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