~Chapter 2~

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~A/N Oh my goodness! Tysm! I have 35 reads, which is way more than I expected! Shout out to @WeirdWriter251005 for voting first on the last chapter! And please read their book: The End.

Anyways, please enjoy this chapter, Cheers, I.G~8/21/19

Naruto sighed, it was 4:00 am, and he had nothing to do, but to lay on his bed. He was beyond exhausted, but insomnia's a bitch, dattebayo. (It was one of the side effects of the pills) Earlier, he had run around trying to find his teammates and sensei so he could erase their memory of what had happened the day before.

~Naruto began to tap his foot impatiently "Baa-chan, I don't have all day, hurry it up, will you?" Naruto muttered. Tsunade sighed, looking down, "Well, I'm not gonna sugar coat it, but," She took a deep, shaky breath, "Jiraiya's dead." She finally said.

Tsunade glanced at Naruto to see his reaction. His face was expressionless, and all the color had drained from his skin. It was pretty scary, to say the least. Naruto's hands were clenching and unclenching. He looked like he was about to explode from sadness. "S-shit....." He muttered, beginning to cough. He collapsed and began to puke. "Naruto!" Sakura cried, she rushed to Naruto's side and began performing healing Justus on him. Naruto shooed her away and managed to stand up. "M-move..." He hissed at Kakashi, who was currently blocking the door.

"Where do you think you're going?! You're in no shape to be prancing around the village!" Sakura said. Grabbing his arm. 'If this goes on any longer, I'll have a full blown-out episode!' He thought miserably. He forced himself to hold back puke, saying something like: "One shunshin(sp?) shouldn't hurt..." and with that, he poofed away, leaving a bewildered Team 7 (and Shikamaru), and a concerned looking Tsunade.~

Naruto sighed at the fact that he would have to go through Tsunade telling him Jiraiya died again. Not only that, but he would have to fake his reaction, and probably yell at Tsunade, which he didn't want to do. 'Tsunade probably regrets letting Ero-sannin go anyways, so why should she suffer more?' He wondered, staring at his wonderfully blank ceiling. Naruto began to feel thirsty, so he dragged himself off his bed, and he headed to his kitchen. He opened his cabinet and reached for a glass. Right before he touched his cup, the glass shattered.

Naruto flinched back and took out his kunai on instinct. He mentally facepalmed when he realized there was nobody but him around. "Ne, why did my expensive $3 cup break? Will something bad happen or something?" He grumbled. He shook his head, "So much for water, that was my only cup."

Naruto turned back around, sighing. "Ne, aren't you worried?" The great Kyuubi grumbled. Naruto sighed, heading back to his bed, and laying on it. "I don't know anymore Kurama," Naruto replied, closing his eyes and entering his mindscape. The giant fox looked at Naruto from behind bars, his ear twitched, "This isn't like you Naruto, you're always so sure of yourself..." He grumbled. Naruto sighed, sitting down on the 'wet' ground, "Well, Jiraiya died Kurama, what am I supposed to do?" Kurama blinked at him, "Well, change the world, and vanquish the hatred. That's what the perverted old man wanted you to do. You are the child of prophecy, fulfill your father's legacy."

Naruto sighed, "You're right.....I need to suck it up. I should be everyone's inspiration ...but only after I make Sasuke pay." Naruto concluded. Kurama sighed, "You need to let go of that. Sasuke is Sasuke, no matter what you do to him, he won't change. Look how many good friends you have, they all care for you, and they only want you to succeed." Kurama reasoned. "Sasuke caused me so much pain! I have to take these stupid pills because of him! It's all his fault. He needs to pay for what he's done." Naruto snapped. Kurama shook his head, "You'll never learn, will you?" He growled quietly, turning away from Naruto.

"Fine then Kurama, be that way..." Naruto whispered, hurt clearly showing in his eyes. Naruto closed his eyes and returned to reality. He blinked away fresh tears that had begun to well in his eyes. 'Ne, kit, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry...' The fox grumbled apologetically. "I'm fine Kurama," Naruto mumbled, cutting off his mind link. He knew that Kurama would never understand. Nor would any of his friends. 'They all need to stay out of this, I must make Sasuke suffer. For what he's done....' Naruto finalized.

"Too bad I'm almost out of pills," Naruto muttered, sitting upon his bed. "Do I have enough time to run to Iwagakure?" He asked himself, glancing at his digital clock. It now read 5:01 am and it was still dark outside. "I guess not. I'll just have to avoid everybody today." He said to himself. He slid off his bed and began to head out the door, 'Might as well go train..'

Naruto arrived a few minutes later at his usual training grounds. He began to try and form a larger one-handed Rasengan. He concentrated his chakra to the middle of his palm, and he made sure to add a spinning motion. A blue ball of chakra appeared, and it gradually began to grow larger. 'Just a bit more..' Naruto encouraged, adding more and more chakra.

The ball began to jerk from one side to the other and began to spin uncontrollably. "Shit-" The ball exploded and he went flying several meters. He slid another foot before he stopped moving. Naruto sat up, rubbing his broken ribs and bruised back, "Itai! I'm going to be feeling that for a week," he grumbled, slowly standing up.

A twig snapped.

Naruto jerked his head towards the area of which it came from and because of his heightened senses, Naruto could hear the bush leaves rustling. "Who's there? You don't need to hide 'ttebayo," He called, looking at the bushes anxiously.

A dark figure rose from the bushes, his red eyes flashing in the darkness.


~1010 Words~


Sorry for not updating for a while, I've been really busy with school and such. Anyways I know this chapter is rushed, but I don't have enough time for editing. Thank you to those who are reading this.

Cheers, I.G~10/22/19

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