Chapter 4

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Okay. my young children, I am dumb and I have no idea what to do for this next chapter but anyways, I want to know something...

should there be a pairing? I mean I originally wanted to make this like a--uh how do I I don't hate sasgay like he basically is my favorite by the end of the show, but I disliked how bitchy he was, like why u gotta ruin other people's day by running away? i mean a sasunaru pairing makes sense, but comment wherever for the ships you want, I'll keep this open for another 2 or 3 months...yeah. that's all I had to say. also, I was reading my other chapters and the first one is kinda crappy, I didn't pace it properly at all. oh well, maybe during school when I know actual english i'll edit it.


"Well, that sweet and all, but I thought you were gonna tell me what your plan is with Sasuke," Naruto said, walking up to the pair. Itachi sighed, "Well now that this idiot is here, I can no longer do anything because this fool will report everything and anything to Pain..." He groaned.~

Naruto glared at Tobi before rubbing his sore temples, "You know what? I don't care. Fine. Leave. Go away." He ordered, turning away and marching back to his original spot where he was practicing his Rasengan.

"...Are you on your period, Naruto~chaaann~~~????" Tobi asked innocently.

Before Tobi could blink, he was in the sky with a stinging cheek that seemed to be swelling more every second. "Ehhh? How'd I end up becoming a bird?" He wailed, waving his arms fanatically.

Back down on the ground, Itachi shuddered slightly, not wanting to mess with the angry Jinchuriki. 

Naruto let out a sigh, (I've lost count ;-;) "Itachi, you have messed up teammates in your Akatsuki club.

"Its not a club--"

"I know it's not a fucking club! I'm making a joke dammit! Why can't you see that?!"

Itachi blinked, 'Is he transgender? He had a horrible mood swing in a matter of seconds...'

Naruto glared at Itachi, "I dunno, how would you feel if Sasuke died when you could've done something to help? And then when you found out you had a major panic attack and your 5 closest teammates saw, so then later that night you had to run around erasing their memories, and then you had to go in the very next day to find out the same information but act completely natural and surprised about it?"

Itachi stared at moody teen, "You know, I'll come back another day...have a good afternoon." Was all Itachi could manage before he booked it out of the Leaf as fast as he could. He really didn't want to become one with the sky like his deceased friend Tobi.

Meanwhile, said friend was still in the sky, now flapping his arms gracefully, "I am bird! Bird is me~! Tobi is such a good boy~~!"


After another hour had passed since Itachi and Tobi had been there, Naruto had gone back to practicing his Rasengan, truth be told, he didn't really need any of his Windstyle Justu, however, he wasn;t about to blow his secret abilities and the fact that he needed pills to survive a day.

Naruto sighed, "Well this sucks, I haven't made any progress on anything, and Kakashi-sensei's gonna be here soon...well what ever, I'll just take a nap."

(Little did he know that a particular ninja wasn't affected at all by his memory erasure, and that same ninja had watched his entire ordeal with Itachi and Tobi. huhuhu~ hints for things in the future huhuhu~ *cackling intensifies* )


Kakashi stopped, staring at the motionless body before him. He kicked it, earning a yelp of a pain and a "Fuck you sensei," from the body. Kakashi raised his eyebrow, his adorable genin had never swore, not even when Sasuke badmouthed everything and everyone back in the old days.

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