1.Dream or nightmare?

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I stood frozen in our bathroom, tears falling down. I am staring in God knows which pregnancy test, and all of them say one...POSITIVE.

I fell down onto my knees, I don't know should I be happy because I got chance to be mother or worried because this could easily kill me.

I don't know what to do, I just know I can't tell this to my husband, because I already know what his reaction would be, he would say me to abort without second thinking.

This is like a dream, but the thing is, this could become good one or nightmare. Well if it would be good dream I would raise our child with Black Jack and if this would be nightmare...well I don't want to think about it.

I heard knoching on the door and worried voice of my husband:"Is everything alright, you spent three hours in the bathroom?"

"Yeah, everything is alright I was just painting my nails I will be out in few minutes", I lied, there's no way I am telling this to him.

I throwed pregnancy tests and acted like nothing happened.

"Ana, it's time for your blood test", I heard voice of my husband calling me.

It's been two weeks since I found out I am pregnant. Everytime he would try to give me blood test I would avoid it.

"I am not feeling well, can we do this tomorrow?", I asked with puppy eyes.

Or maybe never, I know I am just runing away from my problems, but it was okay until now.

"No, you're going with me to my office to get that blood test, NOW", he said with serious voice and I know this time I won't be able to avoid that test.

As I sit onto doctors bed in his office tears started falling down, that's it, he's gonna kill our baby.

"Hey,Ana, please calm down, I taught we overcomed that fear of needles", he said.

Fear of needles is on the end of the list of problems I have right now.

"I am gonna count to 10, after that we will be done", he said as he started rubbing my arm with alcohol pad.

I started crying harder.

I felt little pinch and I knew it will be over soon.

"I am done, shh babe calm down", he said as he placed bandage on my arm.

I fell onto my knees in front of him.

"I...I am sorry. P-please don't kill it"

"What's wrong? I won't kill anyone. Are you alright?" he kneeled onto my height, he's really worried and I can see he don't have any idea what's happening:"I won't kill anyone, please tell me what's wrong, I am here to help you"

I shook my head.

"Please don't be mad, it's my fault"

He hug me tightly:"I will help you with whatever it is, but you need to tell me what's the problem and I am sure we will solve it together"

"I-I am pregnant", I cried.

His expression became serious:"Are you sure?"


"Don't worry I will take care of this, there's nothing to worry about", he said:"You won't feel a thing, I promise"

"No!", I moved away from him:"I won't let you"

"You know how dangerous this is, I won't lose you, I lost all of my family, I won't lose you too, I won't let that happen"

"I want this baby, this is our kid", I cried.

"You know this could easily kill you, please, let me help you"

"No, this is gift from God to us, I believe everything will be fine"

"God, you say God, where was God when you almost died five years ago? God does not have anything to do with medicine"

"I won't let you hurt him", I said and protectively put my hands on my stomach.

"You're okay with dying?" he asked me worriedly.

"Let's try to calm down and talk about it"

He stormed out of the house leaving me all alone. I can imagine how worried and angry he is. But even if I die he'll have this child to remaind him on me.

He will finally be able to hold hair in his arms.

Black Jack,my husbandWhere stories live. Discover now